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Let me explain this to you if I can, siblings has one or two different parents. But a parent and a child is a lot more connected because of where the child came from

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Q: Who is more closely related genetically siblings or a parent and child?
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In the case of identical twins, a single embryo divides into two completely separate and genetically identical embryos. Each embryo continues to grow and develop individually, but with the exact same genes as the other.On an interesting side note: Children of identical twins are genetically as closely related to their parent's identical twin as they are to their identical twin parent. Genetically, both twins are the parent of the other's children. Also, their children are genetically half-siblings.

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Half-siblings are related by blood; they share one parent, but not both. Step-siblings are not related by blood but they are related by law.

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No. You have no ancestors in common so you are not related.

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Why is the offspring not identical to parent in asexual reproduction?

The offspring is not identical to parent in sexual reproduction because sexual reproduction produces an offspring that is genetically different from the parents. ---- The answer above is actually incorrect. The offspring is identical genetically to the parent because mitosis produces cells genetically identical to the parent cell or cells. But the offspring itself is not identical.

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What could be said is that the offspring will not be identical, genetically or regarding appearance; there will be variation between offspring and their sexually reproducing parents.

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Your first cousin's cousin could be your, your siblings or one of your other cousins. The precise relationship depends on how that cousin is related to your first cousin.On the other hand, every one of your cousins has cousins who are related to them through their parent who is not a sibling of your parent. Thoee cousins are not related to you at all.

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This is called "asexual reproduction".

Who is first in line first cousin or second cousin?

Your first cousin is the child of your parent's sibling. Your second cousin is the grandchild of your grandparent's sibling. So your first cousin is more closely related to you than your second cousin and is "first in line" if you leave no living children, grandchildren, parents or siblings.

How do asexually reproduced organisms genetically compare to their parent?

They are genetically identical. unless mutation plays its role.

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

Is every child genetically related to one male and one female parent?

No because we're all related because billions of years ago when first life came to earth it started with to people so you might be related to your best friend!