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it is because the magma in the volcano makes it sink and the moving plates are vewwy vewwy cool

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Q: Explain why volcanoes are commonly found at the edges of Earth's moving plates?
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Why volcanoes are commonly found of the edges of earths moving plate?

This is where the weaknesses in the earths crust lie and it is the easiest place for lava to spew out of these weaker areas, therefore forming volcanoes

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the earths plates moving away from each other or moving toward each other?

all volcanoes are caused by the earths plates moving toward each other and that is called convergent boundaries.

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the Earth's plates moving away from each other or moving toward each other?

all volcanoes are caused by the earths plates moving toward each other and that is called convergent boundaries.

What help create volcanoes?

The moving earth plates and the heat (and other stuff) from under the earths crust.

What are volcanoes and what causes them?

a volcano is a rupture or opening in the earths crust. caused by convergent (coming together) or divergent (moving apart) plates

What land forms are caused by the earths moving plates?

1. Seafloor spreading, new crust is made 2. Mountain ranges 3. Volcanoes 4. Faults

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the earths plates moving away form each other?

Sometimes it causes earthquakes, as well as when earths plates move in opposite directions. But yes, volcanoes are also formed when these plates move out of place or away from each other, for example Hawaii. That is an example of plates sliding through the ocean which causes islands.

Why do you think that people have used folktales to explain volcanoes?

In times a while back, people didn't know that volcanoes were caused by the Earth's crust and mantle moving in . So they told stories that they could understand, and passed them on as why and what the volcanoes were. i hope i helped :) <3

What is a number of rigid but moving pieces of earths surface?

Lithospheric plates are a number of rigid but moving pieces of earths surface.

What is the motion of transform volcanoes?

moving or shaky

What is the relationship between volcanoes and Earth's moving plates?

When the plates collide they form volcanoes and earthquakes.

How do volcanoes affect the origins of the seas?

by moving the ground