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500 Questions

What is absolute dating and how does it work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolute dating is a method used in geology and archaeology to determine the exact age of a rock, fossil, or artifact. It relies on scientific techniques that measure the natural decay of radioactive elements present in the material, such as carbon-14 dating or uranium-lead dating. By analyzing the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes, scientists can calculate the age of the sample.

What best describes the information given by radiometric dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiometric dating provides an estimate of the age of a rock or fossil based on the decay of radioactive isotopes within it. By measuring the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes, scientists can determine the elapsed time since the rock or fossil formed. This technique is commonly used to determine the age of Earth materials and artifacts.

What is Radioactive dating of rock samples?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radioactive dating of rock samples is a method used to determine the age of rocks and minerals by measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes within them. By analyzing the ratios of parent and daughter isotopes in a rock sample, scientists can calculate the amount of time that has passed since the rock formed. This technique is commonly used in geology and archaeology to establish the age of Earth materials.

Why would a scientist use both relative and absolute dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

A scientist would use both relative and absolute dating methods to cross-verify results and obtain a more accurate estimation of the age of a sample or artifact. Relative dating provides a chronological sequence, while absolute dating provides an actual age in years. Using both methods can help confirm the reliability of the age determination.

What does it mean when a guy says your his rock?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a guy says you're his rock, he likely means that you provide him with stability, support, and strength during challenging times. It suggests that he values your presence and relies on you for emotional support.

How is radioactive dating important fo providing evidence for evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radioactive dating allows scientists to determine the age of fossils and rock layers, providing a chronology for the history of life on Earth. By dating these materials, scientists can establish the timing of evolutionary events and track the changes in species over time, supporting the theory of evolution. This evidence helps to demonstrate the gradual changes in organisms and the patterns of descent from common ancestors predicted by evolutionary theory.

Why is radiocarbon dating only rarely applied in geological work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiocarbon dating is limited to dating materials up to around 50,000 years old because of the short half-life of the carbon-14 isotope. This makes it less useful for geological timescales, which often span millions or billions of years. For older materials, other dating methods like uranium-lead dating are more appropriate due to their longer half-lives.

Where can you find a decent science site?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find reputable science websites by looking at trusted sources such as universities, scientific organizations, government agencies, and well-known science publications like Scientific American or National Geographic. Make sure the site is regularly updated, includes citations for its information, and is written by experts in the field.

What is the main purpose of both relative dating and rediometric dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main purpose of relative dating is to determine the sequence of events in Earth's history without assigning specific numerical ages. Radiometric dating, on the other hand, is used to determine the absolute age of rocks and minerals based on the decay of radioactive isotopes.

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to explore?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a guy says he wants to explore, it could mean that he is interested in trying new things and gaining new experiences in various aspects of his life, including relationships, career, hobbies, and personal growth. It may indicate a desire for adventure and self-discovery.

What type of rock does radioactive dating work best with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radioactive dating works best with igneous rocks, particularly those formed from the cooling of molten lava or magma. This is because the mineral crystals in igneous rocks lock in the radioactive isotopes when they form, providing a reliable record of the time that has passed since the rock solidified. Sedimentary rocks are generally less reliable for radioactive dating due to their mixture of different rock fragments.

Four types of radiometric dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Carbon-14 dating: used to date organic materials up to 50,000 years old.
  2. Potassium-argon dating: used to date volcanic rocks and minerals up to several billion years old.
  3. Uranium-lead dating: used to date rocks and minerals up to billions of years old.
  4. Rubidium-strontium dating: used to date rocks and minerals, particularly older than 10 million years.

What does it mean to be down to earth?

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Asked by Dmaroney

Being down to earth means being practical, realistic, and unpretentious. It generally involves being humble and approachable, without getting caught up in materialistic or superficial concerns.

Who discovered radiometric dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiometric dating was discovered by scientists Bertram Boltwood in the early 20th century. Boltwood used the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium minerals to determine the age of rocks and minerals.

What does a single cell look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A single cell is microscopic and varies in size and shape depending on the type of organism. It typically has a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and genetic material (DNA or RNA). Cells can be spherical, elongated, or have more complex structures like neurons or muscle cells.

How old is the kaaba by carbon dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon dating is not applicable to the Kaaba as it is made of stone. The Kaaba is estimated to have been established around 2,000 BCE by Prophet Ibrahim.

Will a girl like you if you pee on her?

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Asked by Wiki User

If she asks you to, maybe. Otherwise, she'll probably be upset.

How do scientist use radioactive elements to determine the actual age of fossils?

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Asked by Wiki User

scientist can determine a fossil's age in two ways: relative dating and absolute dating

When a guy says it was nice kissing you what does that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It likely means that he enjoyed the experience of kissing you and wanted to express that sentiment. However, context and tone are important factors in interpreting the meaning behind his words.

Who is Amy rose's brother?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sonic is amy brother

What does no vanilla mean in dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

"No vanilla" in dating typically means that the person is looking for more excitement, adventure, or unconventional experiences in their relationships. They may be interested in exploring kink, fetish, or non-traditional sexual activities.

How do you do carbon dating at home?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon dating requires highly specialized equipment and expertise typically found in a laboratory setting. It involves measuring the ratio of Carbon-14 to Carbon-12 in a sample to determine its age. It is not possible to conduct carbon dating at home without the necessary equipment and training.

Is James roday gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

el mismo lo confirmo

What is the next step after pulling?

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Asked by Wiki User

The next step after pulling is typically to commit the changes to your local repository with a commit message describing the changes made. This allows you to track the history of your changes and collaborate with others effectively.

What race is attracted to light skin guys?

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Asked by Wiki User

Attraction is subjective and can vary among individuals regardless of race. However, in some cultures, light skin may be associated with beauty standards that lead to preferences for light-skinned individuals.