

Brave New World

Brave New World is a dystopian novel written by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1932.

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What is an example of diction in A Brave New World?

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One example of diction in "Brave New World" is the use of the word "soma" to describe the drug that induces feelings of pleasure and contentment in the society. The choice of this word reflects the society's reliance on a substance to escape reality and maintain social stability.

Could somebody compare and contrast the Savage Reservation and London in Brave New World?

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The Savage Reservation in "Brave New World" exists outside the control of the World State and promotes natural human behavior and freedom. In contrast, London is a technologically advanced city where citizens are controlled and conditioned from birth to conform to societal norms. The Reservation embodies the primal instincts of humanity, while London represents a society focused on stability and conformity through manipulation.

Where is the savage reservation?

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The Savage Reservation is located in New Mexico in the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. It is an isolated area where people live according to traditional Native American customs and beliefs.

Brave New World how are linda and john different from the other savages?

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Linda and John are different from the other savages in "Brave New World" because they come from the World State and were not born and raised on the Savage Reservation. This makes them unique in terms of their experiences, knowledge, and perspectives on society. Additionally, Linda is a Beta while John is considered a "savage," which further sets them apart in terms of their social status and conditioning.

What is the meaning of youth like summer brave?

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"Youth like summer brave" suggests that youth is bold, fearless, and full of vigor, much like the intensity and vibrancy of summer. It implies that youth is a time of adventurous spirit and a willingness to take risks.

In tempest why does Miranda say oh brave New world that has such people in it?

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Miranda says this line in Shakespeare's play The Tempest because she is expressing wonder and amazement upon seeing other people for the first time besides her father, Prospero. She is fascinated by the new world she has been introduced to, filled with different individuals and experiences. The phrase reflects her naive and innocent perspective on the world outside of the island where she was raised.

What upsets Bernard when he is at the reservation brave new world?

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Bernard is upset by the traditional customs and culture of the Savage Reservation, which contrast sharply with the technological and materialistic society he is used to in the World State. He is also disturbed by the poverty, disease, and suffering he witnesses among the people on the reservation. Lastly, he feels alienated and out of place, unable to connect with the people or the lifestyle on the reservation.

Who is john's father father in brave new world?

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In "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, John's father is Thomas, who is known as the Director in the World State. However, the father of Thomas (the Director) is never explicitly mentioned in the novel.

Who is lenina crowne?

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Lenina Crowne is a character from Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World." She is a Beta caste woman who works at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. Lenina plays a central role in the story as a love interest to the protagonist, Bernard Marx.

When John attacks Lenina in brave new world what is he actually attacking?

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John is attacking Lenina's advances and sexual behavior, as he believes it goes against his moral and religious beliefs. He sees Lenina's actions as immoral and degrading, and he lashes out in a moment of intense emotional turmoil.

What effect does the repetition of the phrase straight from the horses mouth have in brave new world?

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In "Brave New World," the repetition of the phrase "straight from the horse's mouth" emphasizes the idea of receiving information directly from a reliable or authoritative source. This repetition suggests that the information being conveyed is accurate and trustworthy, reinforcing the theme of control and manipulation in the novel.

Does lenina have any compassion for linda in the book brave new world?

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Lenina struggles to understand Linda's emotional distress and physical condition. While she initially shows some curiosity and concern, ultimately she is more influenced by the societal norms and conditioning of the World State, which values efficiency and emotional detachment. This leads her to view Linda's suffering through a lens of shock and repulsion rather than genuine compassion.

Love in brave new world?

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In "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, love is suppressed and seen as a disruptive force that undermines stability in the society controlled by the World State. People are conditioned to prioritize loyalty to the state and fulfill their desires through promiscuity and consumption rather than forming meaningful emotional connections. The novel critiques the devaluation of love and human relationships in a world where individuality is sacrificed for efficiency and control.

What does Lenina expect from john after their date?

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Lenina expects John to reciprocate her romantic feelings and express interest in pursuing a relationship with her. She hopes for him to be emotionally engaged and physically affectionate towards her.

How does bernard become such an important and popular figure in brave new world?

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Bernard becomes important in "Brave New World" due to his conflicting views and behaviors in a society that promotes conformity. His individuality and desire for genuine human connections stand out, leading others to both admire and question him. People are drawn to Bernard because he challenges the norms of their world, sparking curiosity and intrigue.

Where is the climax in the book Brave New world?

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The climax in the book "Brave New World" occurs when John the Savage rebels against the World State, inciting a riot at the hospital where his mother, Linda, is dying. This moment marks the culmination of the conflict between the individual and the oppressive society depicted in the novel.

Who is fanny crowne in brave new world?

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Fanny Crowne is a minor character in Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World." She is Lenina Crowne's friend and a Beta caste woman who is concerned about Lenina's unconventional behavior, such as her interest in one man, which goes against the society's norms of promiscuity. Fanny serves as a contrast to Lenina and represents the conformist mindset of the World State.

Who is the proponent of perennialism?

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A prominent proponent of perennialism is Aldous Huxley. He believed in the existence of a universal truth that underlies all religions and philosophies, advocating for the idea of a perennial philosophy that transcends cultural and historical boundaries.

How does Huxley mock Christianity in Brave New World?

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Huxley mocks Christianity in "Brave New World" by presenting it as a superstition that has been replaced by a society that prioritizes materialism, consumerism, and instant gratification. The World State in the novel suppresses individual spiritual beliefs and replaces them with the worship of technology and government control. Through characters like Mustapha Mond, Huxley critiques the role of organized religion in maintaining social order and control.

What is mescal in the book brave new world?

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In the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, mescal is a type of drug consumed by the characters in the dystopian society to escape reality and experience euphoria. It is used as a form of control and escapism, similar to the drug soma in the novel.

Who is antagonist in brave new world?

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The antagonist in "Brave New World" is mainly the dystopian society itself, which enforces conformity, social stability, and suppression of individuality and emotions. Within the novel, individuals such as Mustapha Mond, the World Controller, can also be seen as antagonistic figures due to their promotion and enforcement of the society's oppressive rules and ideals.

In the book Brave New World how does bernard humiliate the director?

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In the book "Brave New World," Bernard humiliates the Director by revealing his own illicit past involving a woman named Linda, who was abandoned in the Savage Reservation and gave birth to his son John. This revelation undermines the Director's reputation and authority, causing embarrassment and shame. Bernard uses this information to challenge the Director's moral integrity and question the values of their society.

Who is linda in brave new world?

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In "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, Linda is a "Beta" who gets stranded in the Savage Reservation. She is John the Savage's mother and plays a key role in the novel as she introduces John to the World State values and struggles with her past and the unfamiliar society. Linda embodies the clash between the traditional and the futuristic world presented in the novel.

In the book brave new world who is Ford?

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In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," Henry Ford is seen as a prophet-like figure and his name is used in place of God. This reflects the society's reverence for mass production and consumption, as well as the deification of technology and industry. Ford's assembly line innovations are also referenced as a cornerstone of their society.

Why do Bernard and John both feel alone?

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Bernard feels alone because he struggles with fitting into the rigid social structure of the World State and feels isolated due to his physical differences. John feels alone because he is an outsider in both the Reservation and the World State, unable to fully belong to either society. Both characters experience a sense of alienation and disconnection from those around them, contributing to their feelings of loneliness.