

Factors that influence the type of garnish used?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The appropriate garnish is determined by several factors. An office party would require different food, as well as different garnishes, than a dinner party would. You would decorate your home differently for your child's birthday gathering than for a cocktail party. The occasion is the first factor you need to consider.

Time is another important factor. Your garnish should enhance your meal, but it should not take longer to make than the meal itself. How much time you have determines what type of food you will serve; time should also help you decide what garnishes to have. A garnish doesn't need to be elaborate and time consuming to be beautiful and interesting. You should also consider what types of food you are preparing. Often, you can garnish your meal with leftovers from your ingredients. Another important consideration involves matching your food with your garnish. You want to be sure that the flavors go together; for example, a sprig of cilantro should not adorn a dish that does not include cilantro as an ingredient.

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