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Kennedy and Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis

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Q: Famous Presidential negotiations
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What are the most famous US presidential campaigns?

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Who offered a famous speech at the opening of treaty negotiations in the Puget Sound area in 1854?

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New Hampshire is famous for the country's first presidential primary elections that are held in the Granite State.

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The Bachmans are most famous for her critic over Obama's presidency. She is also known for her Republican candidacy for presidential nomination, but she did not get the bid.

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During the 2008 presidential election campaign. See: "what would Reagan do?"

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Below is a link to all the inaugural addresses of all the presidents.

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Richard Nixon, in his famous "Checkers speech"

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Yes, Paul Ryan is famous. He became very well known during his 2012 Vice Presidental election campaign with Presidential running mate, Mitt Romney.

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She is most famous for being selected as the Vice Presidential running mate of John McCain in the 2008 election, and was the 11th Governor of Alaska.

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