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Q: Find out if the cactus had leaves if the cactus have leaves where is it?
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How have leaves of a cactus adapt to the desert?

Leaves have evolved into spines on the cactus.

What do the leaves of cactus helps the cactus?

the leaves of a cactus help get the suns nutrition foe the plant to grow None pretty much and formally proper cactus have no leaves only it's convergently evolved cousins do.

What type of plant has no leaves?

A cactus has no leaves.

What desert plant has no leaves but has stems and spines?

A cactus has no leaves but does have a stem.

What plant have no leaves?


Does a cactus have leaves?

No. Some may be considered as leaves but not really. Christmas cactus for instance grows in thin segmented stalks reminiscent of leaves. Cactus flowers have petal that are leafy and green like leaves but not really leaves. barrel cactus and saquaros obviously have no leafy protrusions beyond their flowers.

How are a cactus leaves adapted to living in the dessert?

A cactus leaves get sunlight and they make photosynthesis and they get water from that and they save the water

Why cactus have spiny leaves?

a cactus has spiny leaves for protection and so the water wont evaporate so easily.

What is the function of leaves on a cactus?

defence. the cacti leaves are the thorns...

What plant has spiny leaves?

Acanthus and cactus but cactus not really leafy :)

Differences between cactus and water lettuce?

The main difference between cactus and succulent is that cactus consists of areoles and no leaves whereas succulent contains fleshy leaves and no areoles.

Where does a cactus store water if it doesn't have leaves?

A cactus stores water in its stem.