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Adjective would be Dead.

this is an Q/A site not a ; "lets find the adjective site coz we havent got lives" :@

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Q: Find the adjective My mother began to prune the dead parts of our tree?
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Should you prune chrysanthemums in early winter?

It is not recommended to prune chrysanthemums in early winter. It is best to prune them in spring and remove all the dead parts. However, you should water them if the weather is above freezing.

Should you prune a climbing rose?

You can prune climbing roses to 'train' them to grow the way you want them to. If you want them to grow up a trellis, or over an arch, etc., then you need to prune them in the shape or direction in which you want them to grow. You also need to prune away dead parts to allow for new growth. And it will not harm the rose bush to prune it; the root system will continue to grow, which can produce an even more beautiful, healthier plant.

Can you use water and dish soap as laxative for infant?

There are foods that do this job naturally. Use diluted prune juice at a 3 to 1 mixture. That is 3 parts water to 1 part prune juice.

Do you have to prune tomato plants?

There is seldom a need to prune tomato plants. I've grown them for decades and never bothered. Other than removing dead or damaged parts of the plant, I just let them grow.

Can you - and how do you - prune a Monkey Puzzle Tree?

You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.

Why is it important to prune wine grapes?

So they don't grow too big, and to remove unwanted parts, which may be diseased.

Is prune long or short?

Prune is just another word for 'cutting' i.e you cut your hair but prune a plant. So prune is to cut shorter.

What does une prune mean in french?

A plum or a prune

What turns into a prune?

yes a prune is a dried plum

What is prune called in Telugu?

in telugu prune is :all behara :

What is the Hindi word for prune?

'Prune' as noun in Hindi: 'sookhi hui ber' or 'jamun'. As verb: to prune - 'chhantna, anavashyak hissa hatana' or 'katna'.

What are purple prune plums?

A small variety of plum that dries into a prune.