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The Hebrew word for wisdom is chkme and is closely associated with the idea of skill. The first time the word is used in the OT is in Exodus 28:3, where God tells Moses speak to those to whom He has given wisdom for the making of Araron's priestly garments. This is closely followed up in Exodus 31 with the skilled craftsmen for the making of the tabernacle and the contents therein. We find the actual expression of this "wisdom" in Exodus 35:26 and following as the people begin the work of making the garments, the tabernacle, and the items for the tabernacle. Wisdom is first seen more specifically as skillful living in light of God in Deut 4:5-6. This becomes the basis for our current definition of wisdom as something based on insight and understanding ("the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" - Prov 9:10). Hope that helps.

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Q: First time wisdom is used in the Bible?
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Wisdom is used 222 times in the KJV, and 215 times in the NIV.

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The Book of Wisdom is found in the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible, specifically in the section known as the Deuterocanonical books. It is not included in all versions of the Bible, such as Protestant Bible versions.

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There are 234 places where the word wisdom is used. Perhaps you would care to look up the books?

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Is the name Sofia in the Bible?

A:Sophia (Sofia) is the Greek word for wisdom. This is indeed used as a personal name in the Bible, although usually rendered in English as 'Wisdom'. Wisdom, or 'Lady Wisdom' was a spirit/goddess revered by the Jews in the post-Exilic period and up to the end of the first century CE. Much of the Book of Proverbs is about Wisdom, or Sophia. Proverbs 8:22-36 tells us that Wisdom stood at God's side and participated in the creation of the world, and is God's intermediary with humans. She is also mentioned in the apocrypha and the gospels.

Is there a 'Book of Wisdom' in the Bible?

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