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According to a Toronto Globe and Mail article from March 6, 2008 (

JOHN IBBITSON From Thursday's Globe and Mail * E-mail John Ibbitson * | Read Bio * | Latest Columns March 6, 2008 at 4:34 AM EST, Florida has 210 democratic delegates to the convention that the Democratic Party is refusing to seat because Florida moved the date of the primary ahead in violation of party rules.

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Q: Florida democratic delegates how many?
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Related questions

How many delegates does Florida have?

Florida was supposed to have 210 delegates. However the Democratic National Convention stripped Florida of all of its delegates because it broke party rules by having its primary before February 5.

How many democratic delegates does New York have?

New York has 247 delegates in the Democratic primary.

How many Democratic delegates does South Dakota have?

In the 2008 Presidential election, there were 23 Democratic delegates for South Dakota at the Democratic Convention. Currently, South Dakota will have 24 delegates for 2012.

How many democratic delegates does Pa send to National Party Conventions?

188 delegates total, with 30 of them uncommitted.

How many delegates does each state get for the Democratic Party convention in 2008?

You can see a map of the democratic delegates by state at

How many democratic delegates has Indiana?

84 delagates

How many democratic delegates does California have?

According to an article in USA Today California has 440 delegates of the total number of the Democratic party's nominating convention's 4,361 delegates.

Why does Florida have no delegates in the democratic primary?

Because the DNC has rules in place that prohibit any primary to take place prior to Feb 5. Florida scheduled its primary earlier and the DNC stripped the state of it delegates.

How many super delegates does Wisconsin have?

74 delegates plus 18 super delegates democratic. 40 delegates republican

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How many democratic delegates does South Carolina have?

Zachary Gordon

How many Democratic delegates does Michigan have?

Michigan was supposed to have 128 delegates plus 29 superdelegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. However the Democratic National Convention stripped Michigan of all of its delegates because it broke party rules by having its primary before February 5. Hillary Clinton, who ran unopposed in Michigan, is insisting that the delegates be seated. Barack Obama, who kept his name off the ballot as party officials requested, insists that the delegates not be seated. If the primary remains so close that the vote totals from Michigan and Florida could tip the scales, the argument over these delegates may leave the losing side feeling that it was robbed of the election.