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monohybrid cross

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Q: Focuses on only one trait using a Punnett Square?
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What is the probability that their child will inherit the gene that carries the trait?

probability the likelihood that a particular event will occur codominance a condition in which neither of two alleles for a trait is dominant nor recessive

How will you calculate the phenotype ratio of a cross between dihybrid F1 plants that are heterozygous for 2 dominant traits?

Using a Punnett square, you can calculate the genotype and phenotype of two dihybrid plants. For example, if you have two heterozygous individuals for two dominant traits (we'll pretend the genotype is YyRr), put them into a Punnett square, and you'll get these results: YYRR: 1, YYRr: 2, YYrr: 1 YyRR: 2, YyRr: 4, Yyrr: 2 yyRR: 1, yyRr: 2, yyrr: 1 Phenotypes expressed: Dominant for both traits: 9/16 Dominant for trait 1: 3/16 Dominant for trait 2: 3/16 Recessive for both traits: 1/16 Therefore, the ratio would be 9:3:3:1

How do you find possible phenotypes of offspring?

Mendel Diagrams. If the offspring gets a dominate gene from both parents, the offspring will exhibit traits from the dominate gene. If the offspring gets a dominate gene from one parent and a recessive gene from another, the offspring will exhibit traits from the dominate gene. If the offspring get a recessive gene from both parents, the offspring will exhibit traits from the recessive gene.

Describe how to use the phenotype ratios to determine the percentage of offspring displaying each trait..a heterozygous gray bug Gg is crossed with a homozygous black bug gg?

i dont nkonw - - - - Ignore that person. If you are using a Punnett Square (2X2 box) then you will see that if you have a Gg (across the top) and gg (down the side) you will have Gg, Gg, gg, gg. The lowercase letters represent recessive traits and the uppercase dominant. The ratios are split into Phenotypes and Genotypes. If you have at least one dominant trait then it is considered a genotype (for this problem Gg GG). Double recessive is a phenotype (double lower case-in this case gg.) Your ratio for the above Gg, Gg, gg, gg is 2:4 (1:2) for both Phenotype and Genotype. Hope this helps!

What is used to predict results in genetics?

Using insturments like microarrays allow you to see the different genes to see what is causing diseases, etc. It also allows you to see what kinds of drugs will work on you exclusively and allows you to not go through the process of drug trials.

Related questions

Using a punnett square predict large or short beak on birds?

If we're looking at a single trait controlled by one gene (such as beak length), we'd label the alleles for large beak as L and for short beak as l. A Punnett square would show the possible combinations of alleles from two bird parents, helping to predict the ratio of large to short beaks in their offspring based on the inheritance pattern of the trait.

How can you predict he outcome of a genetic cross?

by using a Punnett Square

What is a pun net square?

Wikipedia says:The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is named after Reginald C. Punnett, who devised the approach. The diagram is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype. The Punnett square is a tabular summary of possible combinations of maternal alleles with paternal alleles.[1] These tables can be used to examine the genotypic outcome probabilities of the offspring of a single trait (allele), or when crossing multiple traits from the parents. The Punnett Square is a visual representation of Mendelian inheritance. It is important to understand the terms "heterozygous", "homozygous", "double heterozygote" (or homozygote), "dominant allele" and "recessive allele" when using the Punnett square method. For multiple traits, using the "forked-line method" is typically much easier than the Punnett square. Phenotypes may be predicted with at least better-than-chance accuracy using a Punnett square, but the phenotype that may appear in the presence of a given genotype can in some instances be influenced by many other factors, as when polygenic inheritance and/or epigenetics are at work.

What do the letters outside the punnett square stand for?

The letters on the outside of the Punnett square stand for the alleles of each parent. One parent's alleles are written across the top of the square, and the other parent's alleles are written along the left side of the square. The pairs of alleles inside the square represent all the possible genotypes for their offspring.

Why is using a punnet square useful?

The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict the outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment.

How can a test cross reveal the genotype of a parent whose phenotype is dominant?

Try using a Punnett Square.

If a homozygous dominant parent and a heterozygous parent are crossed what percentage of the offspring are expected to be homozygous dominant?


What is the probability that their child will inherit the gene that carries the trait?

probability the likelihood that a particular event will occur codominance a condition in which neither of two alleles for a trait is dominant nor recessive

How do you identify the genotyped of the parents when the Offspring has Rr Rr rr rr?

using a punnett square the parents would have to be Rr and rr

How do you find possible phenotypes in offspring?

The possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring can be determined using a Punnett square, a grid that shows the possible combinations of alleles that can result at fertilisation. The Punnett square below shows the expected genotypes of the offspring of parent pea plants that both have the genotype Rr.

Which letters can be used to Mendel's cross of true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants in a punnett square?

Any letters can be used, but typically "T" is used for tall and "t" is for short. Letters are usually chosen by using the first letter of the characteristic being described, and the upper case represents the trait being dominant. Lower case represents the trait being recessive.

Which letters can be used to model Mendel's cross of true breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants in a punnett square?

Any letters can be used, but typically "T" is used for tall and "t" is for short. Letters are usually chosen by using the first letter of the characteristic being described, and the upper case represents the trait being dominant. Lower case represents the trait being recessive.