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Q: Following the detection of PKU in an infant the treatment used in order to prevent mental retardation is?
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Treatment for what disorders in infants can prevent retardation?

Newborn screening and immediate treatment for PKU and hyperthyroidism can usually catch these disorders early enough to prevent retardation.

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Rapid detection of disease exposure is important for several reasons. For many diseases, detecting the infection and beginning treatment early may reduce the severity of the symptoms or even prevent the disease completely. Rapid detection of disease exposure is also important to prevent further spread of the disease.

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The best way to detect and prevent is to get regular prostate exams. After the age or forty a man should have them once a year.

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Hyperthyroidism, whooping cough, chickenpox, measles, and Hib disease (a bacterial infection) may cause mental retardation if they are not treated adequately.

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