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Q: Food substance that makes things taste sweet?
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What is the food substance the makes things taste sweet?

Nothing really makes it taste sweet. It's your taste buds that determines that. So really nothing makes thing sweet. That's just how food is.

What is the food stubstance that makes things taste sweet?


Why does sweet potatoes have the word sweet?

The sweet potato has natural sugars in it that makes it sweet to the taste.

What makes food taste sweet?


What function does the sugar have in a cake?

the sugar is added to cakes to make it taste sweeter and let other things in cake feed on it.

What cell organelle makes an apple sweet?

There is no cell organelle that makes an apple sweet. The glucose that is produced by the cells is what makes the apple taste sweet.

Why everything it taste sweet?

that's just how things are...some things are sweet, some are bitter

Why do you need corn syrup in candy?

Candy has sugar because candy is not ground made or grown. Candy is a substance human made for people who have that special sweet tooth.

What is a taste altering berry that when eaten causes sour or bitter foods to taste sweet?

This is the "Miracle Berry" plant; if you were to eat a berry from it, and then tasted a lemon or other tart/sour food, it would taste sweet. The effect lasts for about an hour. We have one growing in our yard in Hawaii.

What is something that makes food and drinks taste sweet?


What food makes your taste buds pop out?

Anything extremely sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy, or hot can affect your taste buds.Examples include:AlumHot peppersPure caffeineHigh intensity sweeteners (like Neotame)Picklesetc.A fun example is the Miracle Fruit. This fruit has a compound known as miraculin. When you eat miraculin, it alters your taste buds and makes sour things taste sweet for up to 24 hours.

Why do you think some things are sweet and some are not?

There are taste buds on your tongue that differentiate between sweet and sour or bitter.