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Q: Food that has been swallowed by a cow and brought back up to be chewed?
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What is a food that is swallowed and brought back up to the mouth again for further chewing in cattle and sheep?


What helps push food down to the back of the mouth where it is swallowed?

The tongue is a muscle which pushes food to the back of the mouth, where it the food is then swallowed.

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What is a cows rumen?

A cow has one stomach, with four separate compartments. The rumen is the first compartment that all of the cows chewed food goes to. then the cow brings her "cud" (chewed food) back up to continue chewing it, until it is ready to be swallowed. then after swallowed it goes to the reticulum, which seperates all foreign objects out of the cows stomach,then it passes to the omasum where all nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream, then after that, the food travels to the last compartment, called the abdomasum. This compartment forms food into waste that will be excreted from the cow.

What body parts of the cow use to get food?

The mouth: the tongue wraps around the grass, and the lower incisors "chop" the grass as the tongue pulls it into the mouth. The grass is then pushed to the back of the mouth, chewed a little bit, then swallowed.

What helps push the food to the back of the mouth where it is swallowed?


What two things are trapped and swallowed by cilia cells at the back of the throat?

The two things that are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells are saliva and food. Medicines in the form of pills can also be trapped and swallowed, but trapped pills might make the person choke instead of swallow.

What two things are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells?

The two things that are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells are saliva and food. Medicines in the form of pills can also be trapped and swallowed, but trapped pills might make the person choke instead of swallow.

What is the return of swallowed food to the mouth called?

When food travels from the stomach back to the mouth, it is called regurgitation.In some animals, this is normally emesis, or vomiting. In ruminants such as cows, it is called chewing the cud. Birds normally regurgitate swallowed food to feed their young.

What food plant was brought from the Americans back to Europe?

Several were brought back. Potatoes, tomatos, corn, chocolate all were introduced.

What is the thing that comes up in the back of the throat when the tongue is down?

The epiglottis is a flap of tissue at the back of the throat that prevents food from going into trachea when being swallowed .

What did most people bring back from tradng in the Fertile crescent?

they brought back clothes and food