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There are no set sentences for criminal offenses. It is case specific.

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The specific length of the sentence for attempted robbery in the first degree as a felony can vary depending on the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime was committed. In general, sentences for first-degree felonies can range from several years to over a decade, or more in some cases. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for an accurate assessment based on the specific circumstances of the case.

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Ethan Lin

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Q: For attempted robbery 1st c felony how much years you get?
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What is the max sentence for attempted murder in Florida?

First degree murder in Florida carries mandatory life or death by lethal injection. That is the minimum. There is no mandated minimum for attempted murder unless a gun was used. The minimum for firing a gun in the commission of any felony is 20 years. If the victim was shot, it's 25 years.

How much jail time can you get for felony forgery?

There can be no accurate answer to such a question due to there being so many variables. Contributing factors would be; the laws of the state where the criminal offense and conviction of such occurred; the age and prior history of the convicted offender and a very big factor the interpretation and application of sentencing guidelines by the presiding judge. There are a lot of factors that come into play...but my fiance got 1 year and a day for a really stupid theft charge...and now we are dealing with the not being able to work situation...just thought i would let you know was someone did get for a felony theft... My son got 20 years for felony theft. The victims wanted the book thrown at him and the judge obliged. His been in prison almost 1 year, comes up for a parole hearing in 2015 and his discharge date is 2020. All depends on the judge.

How much marijuana possession is classified as a felony?

The classification of marijuana possession as a felony varies by jurisdiction. In some states, possession of any amount of marijuana can be classified as a felony, while in others, it depends on the quantity possessed. It's important to check the specific laws in your state or country for accurate information.

How much weed can you have on you before its considered a felony in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, possessing any amount of marijuana for personal use is considered a misdemeanor. However, possessing larger amounts with intent to distribute can result in felony charges. The specific quantity that constitutes intent to distribute varies depending on the circumstances of the case.

How much time do you do in jail for rec knwn stoln prop 400 plus?

The penalty for receiving known stolen property worth $400 or more can vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances of the case. Typically, it may result in a felony charge with potential prison time ranging from one to several years. It is essential to consult a legal professional for an accurate assessment of potential consequences in your specific situation.

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How much time will you serve for aggravated robbery in Texas?

In Texas the crime of aggravated robbery is considered a Felony in the 1st degree. Jail time for aggravated robbery in Texas is anywhere from 5 to 9 years.

What is the time for a 160.15 FB Robbery 1st b felony?

This is robbery with the use of force that endangered, injured, or killed someone. Lots of factors go into sentencing, since one crime is not exactly like another. Still, it is likely that he will be spending at least some jail time.

How long would you be in jail if you robbed someone?

Robbery is a violent felony for which you can face 15 years to life in prison, depending on whether a weapon was used or displayed, if anyone was hurt or killed, and how much was taken.

How much jail time for attempted second degree murder in TN?

you can get up to life

How much jail time could you get for attempted murder destruction of private property and interfering with a police call?

The attempted murder charge, by itself, qualifies as a felony offense. Add the other charges to it and, unless you cop a plea, you're probably looking at a couple of years.

How much jail time for 3 counts of robbery?

3 years

Is PC 245 a 1 a felony?

If it is an armed robbery, it is automatically a felony. Usually, if unarmed, it would depend on how much you took in cash or if you stole something that wasn't cash it would be up to the courts to determine. Armed robbery in California is punishable up to 15-25 years in state prison. Or depending on how many strikes you have under the 3 strikes law, you could have sentence enhancements for priors.

How much jail time for bank robbery in Mass?

If the property they attempted to steal was a firearm, or over $250 in value, the jail time is 2 to 5 years. If the property was less than $250, the jail time is 1 year or less. If the person they attempted to steal from was disabled or 60 years old or older, the jail time is 2 1/2 to 10 years for property valued over $250 and no more than 2 1/2 years in jail if the value was less than $250.

How much jail time can you get for armed robbery in Illinois?

5 to 30 years

How much time could you get for bank robbery?

20 years mandatory minimum

How long do you go to jail for robbery?

I takes about 5 minutes from the first time you aim a weapon at someone

How much jail time can a person convicted of strong arm robbery get?

The length of jail time for strong-arm robbery can vary based on factors such as prior criminal history, the value of items stolen, and any injuries caused. Penalties can range from a few years to multiple decades in prison. It's essential to consult legal statutes in the specific jurisdiction for accurate information.