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yes they do but they are infused with a large amount of sugar and so are not ideal for a low-carb/calorie diet.

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Q: For bladder infections do dried cranberries have the same benefits as cranberry concentrate?
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What are the health benefits from cranberry juice?

I'm pretty sure it helps with bladder infections and period cramps.

What are the health benefits of cranberries?

cranberries will clear and prevent a UTI urinary track infection.

Is it safe to eat raspberries and cranberries while pregnant?

Hi, i have drank cranberry juice all through my 1st, 2nd and now my 3rd pregnancy and i have never had a problem with it. It is also good for water infections (cystitis) if you are like me and dont like taking medication during pregnancy. Thanks

What are the effects of cranberry pills?

Cranberry juice helps promote a healthy bladder, someone who is prone to bladder infections can drink cranberry juice to help prevent the infection or if used at first symptoms can be used to stop the infection from going full blown. Cranberry juice is high in sugar and high in calories so there are people who just can't drink enough to get the full benefits. Those people can get the benefits by taking the tablets and drinking large amounts of water.

What are some of the health benefits of eating dried cranberries?

Cranberries are said to have antioxidants. However, the packaged dried cranberries have added sugars and preservatives. It would be healthier to just buy some fresh cranberries.

Does cranberry juice have the same benefits as cranberry pills or capsules?

Cranberry Concentrate Unsweetened, Tree Of Life or Hain's brand is my secret weapon for bladder infections. Cranberry juice or frozen cranberry concentrate is NOT the same thing. This concentrated stuff is often not on the juice shelf. It may be in with the nutritional supplements. Cranberry juice in general (concentrated or juice) makes the inside of the bladder wall slicker so bacteria can't stick to it. It also helps to tighten urethral sphincter muscles so you don't dribble-a very annoying problem as many of you already know! You'd have to drink a couple of gallons of Cranberry juice off the shelf to get the same affect as just two tablespoons of this stuff. Plus, you'd be ingesting so much sugar that if your bladder infection had anything to do with yeast, the sugar would feed it. I put this concentrated stuff in a shot glass, down it, and then chase it with an ounce or two of plain water. The chaser turns the acrid flavor instantly sweet and is therefore more tolerable. Repeat the treatment for about a week. If that doesn't do the trick, you are on the wrong track. Note: I've noticed that the cranberry capsules are not near as effective as the concentrate. Other ways to use the stuff are to put some in your smoothies every once in a while as a preventative. I also purchase a couple extra bags of fresh cranberries during this time of the year to store in the freezer so I can toss a handful of them into my smoothies occasionally as a preventative.

What are the benefits of cranberries?

Cranberries have high amounts of phytochemicals called pro-anthocyanidins (PACs), which fight cancer, aging, neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and bacterial infections. Antioxidant compounds in cranberries, such as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), anthocyanidin flavonoids, cyanidin, peonidin, and quercetin, may prevent cardiovascular disease by fighting cholesterol plaque formation in the heart and blood vessels. These compounds also help lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood. Cranberry juice consumption offers protection against gram-negative bacterial infections such as E. coli in the urinary system by inhibiting bacterial attachment to the bladder and urethra. Cranberry juice helps prevent the formation of alkaline (calcium ammonium phosphate) stones in the urinary tract by fighting proteus bacterial infections. Cranberries prevent plaque formation on the tooth surface by interfering with the ability of another gram-negative bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, to stick to the surface. It therefore helps prevent the development of cavities. The berries are also a good source of many vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, ß-carotene, lutein-zeaxanthin, and folate, and minerals like potassium, and manganese. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC (the measurement of the antioxidant strength of food items) of cranberries is one of the highest in edible fruits.

Can cranberry juice help clean the system?

Cranberry juice can cleanse your system of bacterial toxins, through the process known as acidification of the urine. This is why cranberry juice has been scientifically proven to be helpful in curing UTIs (urinary tract infections). In addition, cranberry juice contains proanthocyanidins. This compound modifies bacterial cells, affecting the cell membrane, and condensing the bacterial cells. Furthermore, cranberry juice compounds interrupt communication between bacterial cells and creates an energy barrier between bacteria and the urinary tract. With regard to cleansing your system of drug-related toxins and their metabolites, drinking cranberry juice only seems to have the same effect as drinking lots of water. It will dilute the toxins, but not really eliminate them any faster than your body can already deal with them, metabolically.

What are the Benefits of eating breakfast for Children or Teens?

it benefits when kids eat breakfast they are able to concentrate better.

What are the health benefits of Craisins?

I've read that they are great for the kidneys. Also to quote from its Wikipedia page "Dried cranberries contain the same nutrients as fresh cranberries (notably dietary fiber and antioxidants). However, commercial drying processes substantially reduces the amount of vitamin A andvitamin C. The nutrient density is also reduced if sugar is added. Cranberries also have an anti-adhesion quality that keeps certain bacteria from sticking to cells in the urinary tract, the mouth and stomach. They reduce the occurrence of urinary tract infections."

Ideas For Your Cranberry Sauce?

Countless households are planning on adding cranberry sauce to their holiday tables this year, and you might be planning on the same thing yourself. Cranberry sauce and the holidays go hand in hand with one another, and many people feel as if Thanksgiving or Christmas just wouldn't be the same without a dish of cranberry sauce on the table. You may have never thought of spicing up your cranberry sauce or trying something different, but you should consider doing so to really make a difference in your holiday meal this year. If you typically use the canned cranberry sauce, you might want to consider making a homemade sauce this year. Many people are afraid of making cranberry sauce on their own because they think they might ruin it, but the homemade stuff is typically much more delicious than the cranberry sauce that comes in the can. If you are especially nervous about making your own cranberry sauce, you can consider purchasing a can or two to keep in your pantry in case something goes wrong with your recipe. You are sure to find that you won't need these backup cans, however, and you will probably want to give up canned cranberry sauce forever once you have given the homemade stuff a try. When making cranberry sauce for the first time, you might want to take a look at a few different recipes. Different people make cranberry sauce in different ways, so you might want to get a few different ideas before setting your sights on one particular recipe. Looking at various recipes will also help you understand the logistics of making this holiday favorite from scratch. A simple cranberry sauce is typically made primarily of crushed cranberries and sugar. It is up to you if you want to have big chunks of cranberries in your sauce or if you want the cranberries to be well-mashed. This is one of the benefits of making your own cranberry sauce; you can tweak it to your liking, and you can make it as sweet or bitter as you want. You can even choose to add other fruits to your cranberry sauce. Many people love to add in a mix of berries or a bit of orange juice. The possibilities really are endless.

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