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Q: For cup holder for VW Cabrio you are tired of the coffee tipping over?
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If a person with a license is too tired to drive can someone with a permit drive in his place?

Not if the license holder is too tired to stay awake or is sleeping. The license holder is deemed to be 'in control' of the vehicle - that is the reason for the law about accompanying a permit holder exists in the first place.

Why does coffee make you tired sometimes after a cup?

no,its use is to make you more awake or alert.although,at times i have been more tired after drinking a cup of coffee I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure it doesn't make you tired.

Name something a bartender probably gets tired of customers doing?

getting drunk, not tipping, fighting, yelling, complaining, vomiting, flirting

Why is coffee a solution sometime?

Coffee can be a solution depending on your problem. If you are tired and want some caffeine to wake you up coffee is a good solution. Coffee can also solve the problem of not knowing what beverage to serve after dinner.

A guy took you out for coffee does he like you?

He may just be tired and need a pick me up.

Is 40 onces of coffee a day to much?

Not if you are too tired to think straight. If you are a kid though, yesit is.

Does coffee make kids hyper?

Yes, because, the caffeine in the coffee (whether caffeinated or not) will "power" you up, however, you will eventually end up more tired than you were BEFORE drinking coffee!

Is coffee a drink kids should drink?

No because it will make kids tired and everything but when i drunk it i fell right asleep

Do you feel tired without Nicotine?

I have smoked for 15 years, and no.....I feel tired without coffee!!! Nicotine is just a drug most people would prefer to give up However, it's very addictive.

Why does caffeine calm down meh instead of making meh crash into being tired?

First, check your spelling. It's me not meh. I have the same issue, coffee doesn't make me crash. Maybe it's the coffee you're drinking, how often you drink it, when, or how do you feel before you're drinking the coffee.

Does eating bacon and drinking coffee affect you?

Well, bacon being quite a fatty food, if eaten a lot could cause a change in weight. And caffeine (an ingredient if coffee) can be slightly addictive and make one feel sick or tired without it. Coffee can make someone feel more awake.

How do you pull an all nighter without coffee?

You can pull an all nighter without coffee by finding something interesting to do. If you keep yourself busy, it will decrease the time for you to get tired. Eating and drinking liquids high in sugar and caffeine can keep you awake.