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Wiesel refrains from fasting because he believes that in the face of suffering and injustice, it is more important to affirm life and fight against oppression rather than participate in traditional religious practices. He sees fasting as a passive response to suffering, while he advocates for active resistance against evil. Additionally, Wiesel believes in the need to engage with the world and take action to address injustices rather than withdrawing from it through fasting.

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Q: For what reasons does Wiesel refrain from fasting?
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What does fasting teach afghans?

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Are you fasting is "est-ce que tu jeûnes ? / Est-ce que tu fais le jeûne ?" in French. That implies that the fasting is done for religious reasons.

What does Ramadan mean besides not eating or drinking?

Although not eating and not drinking for specific period (from dawn to sunset) is good for health but it is not the main purpose of fasting. Fasting drives one: * to have more spiritual purification * to have more sympathy towards the poor * to be ready to refrain himself/herself from doing or approaching the prohibits Islam religion so far already accepted to forbid himself/herself during fasting from what is allowed when breaking fasting. That is why Prophet Mohamed says what means that if fasting does not lead to saying good, doing good, and following the right Path, then no need to fasting.

Do I need to fast before a blood test?

Certain blood test lab near me, require fasting before the test to ensure accurate results. For example, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and fasting lipid profile tests typically require 8 to 12 hours of fasting. During this fasting period, you should refrain from consuming any food or beverages, except water. However, not all blood tests require fasting, so it's essential to follow the specific instructions provided by the laboratory or healthcare professional.

Can a husband kiss his wife while he is with fasting?

You should refrain from kissing your wife until you break your fast.

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Wiesel marks time passing by referencing significant events, such as arrivals of new prisoners, changes in weather, and the progression of holidays. In section 5 of the memoir, Wiesel notes that it is Yom Kippur when the Jewish prisoners are fasting and praying. This day serves as a symbol of faith and resilience in the face of unimaginable suffering and loss.

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