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The only notable way that an elected official is removed from office forcibly is through impeachment. Often impeachment occurs due to felonies committed while in office, misuse of power, incompetence, or treasonous activity.

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14y ago

An elected official may be removed from office by another elected candidate replacing him, death, resignation, removal by impeachment, or by the position being eliminated as unnecessary. Most of the above reasons are self-explainatory. Impeachment can be for many reasons such as committing a felony while in office, treasonous activity, misuse of governing powers, accepting bribes, incompetance, or gross negligence of duty. Committing any of the above does not remove an elected official, but can bring about impeachment proceedings.

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Most are removed for crimes such as some form of stealing - using the office to illegally obtain money or some other type of corruption, fraud, racketeering, bribery or extortion.

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Are impeached official can run for a new public office such as senator?

Yes. Impeachment does not mean to be removed from office, it means to have charges brought against the elected official.

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they can only, at that time be removed from office

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The members of Congress must have a vote to remove the official from office. But, another government official must have evidence (such as a crime record, or testimony from an alleged mistress) of why the other official should be removed from power.

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The President could be impeached and removed from office after an impeachment trial. After he was removed from office, he could then be prosecuted like any other person.

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Yes, he can be impeached and removed by the state legislature.

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Rod Blagojevich

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Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

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No US presidents have been impeached and convicted and so removed from office.

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President Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives, but not removed from office by the Senate.