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Q: Formal rules outlining the structure and process of network communication?
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How does network communication work?

Network communication is a hierarchy process with certain steps. You need to install servers and client architecture for network communication.

What model divides the network communication process into seven layers?

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is the one which divides network communication process in to seven layers....

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Rules that govern the process of network communication are called?


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Which particular layer of OSI model is not required if two devices communicate at the same network?

In this situation Network Layer may not be required. Data Link Layer can handle communication process. If two devices are communicating from different networks then Network Layer a is must. In this situation Data Link Layer is not enough for completing the communication process as it lacks Routing ability which is the primary function of Network Layer.

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In Java programming sockets allow a communication link between programs. They communicate with the server to enable this process and allow communication over the network.

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