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They are 'statements' to speak strictly, they are: , , if, else, while, for, do, return, switch, break, continue, goto

Note: is zero or more statements between '{' and '}'

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Q: Four basic instruction in C language?
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What is the difference between visual basic and visual c?

The programming language: Visual Basic is a BASIC-like (or BASIC-derived) language, Visual C is... well C.

The letter C in the word BASIC stands for what?

The C in BASIC stands for Code Beginners All-pupose Symbolic Instruction Code

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C language doesn't have commands only instructions. Sadly, 'find' is not an instruction in C, you might have misunderstood something.

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basic is a general purpose, high level programming language. and the same is with the visual basic. but the main difference is that, the earlier basic was the dos version language. whereas the visual basic programming language is the language which is not DOS based. but the simplicity in the language remains the same as in basic.

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How do data types and formulas work in the programming language C?

The C language provides many basic types. Most of them are formed from one of the four basic arithmetic type specifies in C (char, int, float and double), and optional specifies (signed, unsigned, short, long). Functions in computer programming and spreadsheets are very similar to those in math.

Is C a pure Object Oriented Programming Language?

High. Only machine code and Assembly are low level languages. The distinction most usually used to determine if a language is 'high' or 'low' is the use of a compiler. If a language requires some form of compilation or translation process to convert each written instruction into multiple machine executable instructions then it is a high-level language. If each written instruction can be directly converted to a single machine executable instruction (and usually back again) then it is low-level.

Give list of programming language?

language like C, C++, JAVA ,C#, J#, D, PASCAL, COBOL, FOTRAN, .NET, VB are called programing language. Basic, NASTRAN

Is c plus plus an unstructured programming language?

No, BASIC is, for example.