

Free from disease germs

Updated: 11/14/2022
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Q: Free from disease germs
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Related questions

What does free from germs mean?

"Free from germs" means that a certain area or object has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, eliminating any harmful microorganisms that could cause diseases or infections. This is important to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Where does disease spread?

By germs

Which drugs are weakened form of disease causing germs?

vaccines are drugs that are weakened form of disease causing germs they are used for preventing one from getting a disease

Why is underground water free from germs?

It isn't free of germs and that is why we purify the water.

What is a way that bacteria cause disease?

by germs

Germs are to disease as war is to?

h r

The presense in the body of disease is caused by?


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When was it discovered that germs cause disease?


A what dressing is one that is free of germs prior to use?

A "sterile" dressing is free of germs prior to use.

What is the role of a vaccine?

A vaccination is weakened germs of a disease. When you get injected with these germs, your body build an immunity against it, so when you really get the disease, your body can fight it off.

What Germs cause disease?

white blood cells, They fight the germs to get them out of your body so you wont be sick .