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4d ago
  1. France - Paris
  2. Belgium - Brussels
  3. Canada - Ottawa
  4. Switzerland - Bern
  5. Senegal - Dakar
  6. Ivory Coast - Yamoussoukro
  7. Madagascar - Antananarivo
  8. Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kinshasa
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Q: French speaking countries and their capital?
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French speaking countries in Africa their capital and their presidents written in french?

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What is the Capital City of Francophone?

The capital city of Francophone-speaking countries varies. For example, in France, the capital is Paris; in Canada, it is Ottawa; in Belgium, it is Brussels. Francophone countries are those where French is the official language or widely spoken.

What are the French speaking countries known as in French?

In France, French- speaking countries are known are francophonie countries. This means French speaking

How many french speaking countries are there?

There are 29 countries worldwide where French is an official language.

Is Congo a french speaking country?

Yes, French is one of the official languages spoken in the Republic of the Congo.

What is the official term for French speaking countries?

The official term for French speaking countries is francophone countries.

What continent has the most French speaking countries?

Africa has the most French-speaking countries, with a total of 29 countries where French is an official language. These countries are mostly former colonies of France in West and Central Africa.

How many French-speaking countries exist in the world?

There are around 29 countries in the world where French is spoken as an official language.

What are 4 french speaking countries on Asia?

There are no French-speaking countries in Asia. French-speaking countries are primarily located in Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Nationality of French speaking countries in French?


What is difference between a French country and a French speaking country?

there is only a French country, which is France. But there are several countries where the French language is spoken, which are French-speaking. The same goes for English and English-speaking: America is not English, but is English-speaking. Well I no that a French speaking country speaks French but not like France. For example:Haiti, and Morrocco are French speaking countries.

French countries on how many continents?

French-speaking countries are located on all continents: Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. France itself is located in Europe, but it has territories in various regions around the world.