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Yes, in fact nothing in science is ever considered to be 100% without a doubt factual. Gravity is a prime example in the sense that we're not starting to question if gravity is even real because we can not observe it.

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Q: Future evidence can prove a scientific theory to be incorrect?
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Is future testing prove a scientific theory to be incorrect?

yes it can

Can future testing can prove a scientific theory to be incorrect?

yes it can prove ....

How can a scientific theory be incorrect but still be considered a good scientific theory?

If all the evidence taken into consideration can be explained by the scientific model proposed and the model successfully predicts outcomes of experiments yet to be performed, it is a "good scientific theory" It still can be incorrect. If it is proven incorrect it should be abandoned.

Future evidence can prove a scientific theory to be incorrect.Is the following true or false?


What is the process for changing scientific Ideas?

Briefly, the scientific method essentially involves postulating a theory, and then that theory will either stand or fall on the evidence of future experiments.

What is the process for changing ideas?

Briefly, the scientific method essentially involves postulating a theory, and then that theory will either stand or fall on the evidence of future experiments.

What might cause scientists to change scientific theory?

Because technology might change in the future.

A theory is supported by?

A scientific theory is supported by evidence. Without evidence, it is only a hypothesis.

Under what conditions can a scientific model or theory change?

A scientific model can change if new evidence is found. If the new evidence that has been found contradicts the model or theory then a scientific model or theory can change.

A deduction based on evidence?

Scientific theory.

What is scientific evidence appeal?

Scientific evidence appeal is some form of proof which supports or counters a scientific theory. This is the information that will be used as empirical evidence of a hypothesis.

What is the definition of Scientific Evidence Appeal?

Scientific evidence is facts or evidence that is used to prove or disprove a scientific theory. Scientific evidence appeal is when new finding or statistics are brought to light that disprove some or all of the previous evidence's findings.