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The alveoli.

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Q: Gas diffusion in human lungs occurs across what membranes?
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Related questions

What are examples of diffusion in the human body?

Diffusion occurs in the human body in a variety of ways. Examples of diffusion are through respiration, ion movement and the diffusion of nutrients in the kidney and small intestine.

Where in the human body does simple diffusion occur?

Simple diffusion occurs in many parts of the human body. Some of these include in the lungs, the skin and in the kidneys.

What does contagous diffusion mean in human geogragphy?

Contagious diffusion occurs when a cultural trend is transmitted from person to person from an original source to numerous others, similar to a virus. Even the name 'viral videos' speaks to the idea of a contagion.

Give examples of diffusion in the human body?

There are quite a few examples of diffusion in the human body. They are breathing, sneezing, evaporation, blood diffusion, and homeostasis.

How an amoeba respirate?

I believe you mean, "respire"? Because amoebas are so small, they don't need a oxygen transportation system like larger organisms. They can simply respire through diffusion of O2 across their cell membranes, which provides all the O2 they need. This is because their surface area to volume ratio is extremely high when compared to, say, a human.

What caused cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion occurs via human migration, intercultural marriages or cultural exchange via letters, books or electronic media. It is a phenomenon in which specific cultural concepts, ideas or technologies spread from one culture to another. cultural diffusion is categorized into three types: direct, forced and indirect.

How does oxygen diffuse through the body?

Diffusion occurs throughout the human body, and without it, cells and body tissue, dirty atmosphere, oxygen concentration may be low, and the eye can dry out.

Is it true that diffusion occurs only in living systems?

Diffusions occurs in everything where there is no dynamic equillibriam. If you dump some salt into a glass of water, the salt will diffuse into the water because the NaCl- is a charged particle. It will break into individual molecules on Na: sodium, and Cl chlorine. Anyway, diffusion occurs wherever there is a solvent and a solute if there is less solute than solvent. I hope this answers your question. If you want further explantions, just ask.

Where in a human cell can phosphorus found?

Cell membranes.

Where do the amniotic membranes come from?

Human amniotic membranes come from the fetal membranes which consist of the inner amniotic membrane made of single layer of amnion cells

Why does photsynthess represent diffusion in the human body?

Photosynthesis does not represent diffusion in the human body. Photosynthesis is the process by means of which plants capture sunlight energy and store it as sugar.

What is normatic diffusion in human resource management industries?

I think someone meant to say "nomadic" diffusion which is part of the Law of Diffusion and innovation in anthropology and geography.