

Best Answer

1. prevention of metal corrosion

2. the manufacture of powerful and long-lasting batteries

3. isolation of valuable dissolved minerals

4. the possibility of new, environmentally-friendly sources of power

5. combustion and explosion reactions such as coal with oxygen

6. rust and oxidization of metals

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Q: Give 10 practical application of reduction and oxidation reaction?
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What identifies an oxidation-reduction reaction'?

An oxidation-reaction involve a transfer of electrons.

How do you figure out if a reaction is an oxidation or reduction reaction?

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What do half reactions show?

They show the oxidation an reduction halves of a reaction

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An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron

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a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an oxidation and the reverse is a reduction

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No, most of them are just acid base reaction and not followed by oxidation reduction reaction.

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When a substance gains an electron or electrons, this is known as "reduction". For every reduction reaction, there is also an oxidation reaction. So, whatever substance "gave" the electrons, underwent oxidation.

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