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As a doctor, I think teachers are more important. Without teachers, there wouldn't be any doctors. However, without doctors, teacher would still exist. They may not be as healthy as they could be, but they would exist as they had for thousands of years.

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The value of service of doctors differ 4rm dat of d teachers.

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There are one million pieces of evidence that there are no positive integers greater than one million. Engage your mind; think clearly.

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Q: Five important reason why doctors how better than teachers?
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What is the most important job and why?

I'd say it comes down to 2 jobs. One is a more important than the other, but they're close. so, drum roll please?...doctors and teachers. Doctors are important, well, because they save lives, discover new things to save lives in the future and are just generally good people for what they have to do. But! They had to go somewhere to learn how to save lives, where is that? School! Teachers had to teach them at school! Yes. All of the most important jobs in the world began with teachers. Teachers are the reason why anything works in this country. In order to be successful in any profession like the police, firefighters, lawyers, doctors, artists, construction workers, video game designers, engineers, ANYTHING you have to be taught by a teacher. That's why teaching is the most important job. Unfortunately, teachers don't get what they deserve. Certain people in this country right now want to get rid of teachers, but they are going to regret it 20 or 30 years from now when our children are lost and confused because they didn't get the proper education because they got rid of teachers now. So, I'm going to leave you with this statement: Teachers are the single reason why the world can work smoothly. They tie it together. Teachers have the most important job, ever. Hope this helped!

Do you have to give your vital signs to the nurse?

No. But there is no rational reason not to allow them to be measured and if you do not you will be depriving your doctors of important information.

Debate doctor is better than teacher reasons?

In my opinion teachers are more important. As cruel as it may sound, doctors are mostly there to extend life, but young people have a strong system and if for some reason of illness they die, it is pure natural selection. Now I want to clarify that I am talking about doctors for what they are and I am not talking about scientists or biologists researching fields, because certainly most doctors are not researching unsolvable threats nowadays, and I am talking about that majority here. Professors prepare hordes of young people for thousands of end goals and specialise them. Professors create and refine, doctors extend life.

The most important reason why teachers and teacher aides should be strong leaders in the classroom?

Teachers and teachers aides should be strong leaders because they have influential positions. The way they lead can have a significant impact on the lives of their students.

What was the pope told to do by his doctors by the plague?

Pope did not know the reason. Doctors also did not know the reason or cure.

Why do teachers take aspirin?

For the same reason everyone else does! Teachers are people too!

Why farmer are better than doctor?

Now this is a question you can't really get an answer for. People probably wouldn't be able to survive for very long without either. Farmers produce food, but doctors heal sick. But this is a good question to think about!

How do teachers help the community?

Teachers help the community by educating and empowering students, who then contribute to society as knowledgeable and skilled individuals. They also often participate in community events, provide guidance and support to families, and serve as positive role models for students. Additionally, teachers may advocate for educational policies that benefit the community.

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to follow a doctors order

Can you have a seizure from a stroke?

Doctors have reason to believe that strokes can lead to seizures.