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Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn due to the fact the king of England at the time (King Charles ll, 1660-1685) owed his father some money.

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Q: Give reasons why the colony of Pennsylvania was started or how was it started?
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What was the population of Pennsylvania in 1776?

In 1718 the population was roughly 40,000, not counting slaves.The US Census give the following estimates for Pennsylvania:1720 - 31,000.1740 - 85.000.1760 - 183.700.1780 - 327,300.

Who founded pannsylvania colony and for what reason?

William Penn founded the Colony of Pennsylvania to give religious freedom to him and the other Quakers and to give them the right to worship as they please.

Were there a lot of indentured or slaves in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania was a Quaker colony and the religion practiced equality among people which means there were no slaves. Penn also made the first agreement to give equal rights to the Native Americans in Pennsylvania.

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Pennsylvania was a Quaker colony and the religion practiced equality among people which means there were no slaves. Penn also made the first agreement to give equal rights to the Native Americans in Pennsylvania.

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Thaddeus Stevens was a congressman from Pennsylvania. He was 100 percent behind the plan to give black people the right to vote all across the country.

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When did King James give permission to start a colony in North America?

To get money from the new colony! :)