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The national government's control of Immigration is an example of Inherent Powers.

An inherent power is an authority that isn't passed down from anyone else, but which is naturally (inherently) yours. In governments this is often interpreted as the authority to do things that aren't delegated by the constitution or laws to anyone else.
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Q: Government control of immigration is an example of?
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Government control of immigration is an example of what?

inherent powers

What is an example of the national government's control of immigration?

Passports and Visas.

The power to tax and control immigration is an example of?

The power to tax and control immigration is an example of reserved power.

The national government's control of immigration is an example of?

The national government's control of immigration is an example of Inherent Powers. An inherent power is an authority that isn't passed down from anyone else, but which is naturally (inherently) yours. In governments this is often interpreted as the authority to do things that aren't delegated by the constitution or laws to anyone else.

The Constitution assigns power to control immigration to?

The federal government

Is the government control over immigration an inherent or concurrent power?


Starting in the 1890s what did the government begin to use as an immigration station?

The States turned over control of immigration to the Federal Government. While the new immigration station was under construction.

What did the US government do to contol immigration?

The government is building a fence on the border of Mexico and there is an immigration bill, but most of all, they arent really doing anything to control it

What branch of local government is in charge of illegal immigration?

(in the US) There are no branches of local government which deal with, or are responsible for, this activity. Immigration and its regulation is totally under the control and authority of the federal government.

What is the immigration law in Oklahoma?

States do not control immigration. That is the responsibility of the federal government. You immigrate to the United States, not to any specific state.

What political organization lobbied government officials to control the immigrant population?

To control the immigration population in 1887 several organizations formed. The American Protective Association lobbied the government official to control the population.

What best describes the role of the US government regarding immigration?

The role of the US government regarding immigration is to establish and enforce immigration laws and policies, including border control and determining who is eligible for entry into the country. The government oversees the processing of visas and immigration applications, as well as the enforcement of deportation and removal proceedings for individuals who violate immigration laws.