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Q: Gravitational potential to kinetic to electrical current conversion?
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What generates electrical energy from chemical energy?

A battery stores chemical energy creating a voltage or potential difference that is the potential to do work.When a battery is connected to an electrical device, current flow and is so the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy.

What is a electrical current is produced when charges are accelerated by an electrical field to move to a position of potential energy that is?

potential energy

When is gravitational energy converted into kinetic energy and then into a electrical current?

Hydro-electric powerplant

The ability of a muscle to transmit electrical current is termed?

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How is voltage similar to gravitational potential energy?

It isn't. Voltage can be compared to the GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL, which is a concept that is related, but different from, gravitational potential energy.Voltage is the energy change PER UNIT CHARGE between two points. Gravitational potential is the energy PER UNIT MASS between two points.

Will there be a current between the two points if the electrical potential energy at one point in a circuit is greater than the electrical potential energy at another point?


What are some gravitational energy examples?

HYDROELECTRIC POWERPLANT is the best example to convert gravitational energy to kinetic energy to electric current.The production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water onto the rotor which rotates motor and motor converts the kinetic energy into electric enrgy.

What is required for current to flow through an electrical current?

Potential Source connected across a Closed Circuit Path.

What causes potential difference?

A potential difference causes an electric current. Think of it like a river : the source of water is the most elevated point of the river, so the water has a lot of gravitational potential energy. The end of the river is the lowest point of it, so the water has very low gravitational potential energy. What happens between these two points? Water flows! This analogy can be applied to electricity; the potential difference is caused, for example, by a battery in an electric circuit.

What are examples of electrical potential energy?

Any voltage source is a potential waiting for a load so that current can flow and "work" can be done. A battery and your power company that supplies your home are sources of electrical potential energy.

What does carry electrical currents?

An electric current carries electrons from an area of high potential to another area of low potential. Potential difference is the condition that must exist for a current to move electrons around.

How is electrical resistance calculated?

Resistance (Ohms) = Potential Difference (Voltage) / Current (Amps)