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Q: Great pressure in the asthenosphere keeps the rock there mostly?
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Related questions

Does The asthenosphere consist of partially molten mantle rock?

The asthenosphere is commonly said to be made of partially molten rock, but that is not entirely true. There are areas of the asthenosphere that are partially molten, but they make up a small portion of its volume. The asthenosphere is hot enough that it would be molten is brought to the surface, but the enormous pressure inside Earth keeps it in a state that is technically solid. The rock is still rather soft though and can flow slowly over the course of thousands to millions of years. When you look at substances over such long periods of time the distinction between solid and liquid becomes a bit blurred.

How does a tornado use air pressure?

The low pressure inside a tornado draws air inward, accelerating it to great speeds. Once air is in the circulation the low pressure at the center keeps it on a somewhat circular path.

What pressure keeps lungs inflated?

Intrathoracic pressure

What keeps the inner core in a solid state?

high pressure

What effect does running have on you life?

Makes your cardio (heart) better. Lower you risk of high blood pressure. Keeps you in shape. Gives great calf muscles.

What is a turgo pressure?

it is pressure that keeps non-wooded stems plants standing up.

What keeps teenagers to use alcohol?

peer pressure

What keeps matter together?

Subatomic pressure. See Click on Pressure Based Theory.

The gripping action that keeps tires from splipping is?

Air pressure against the Bead keeps the tire from slipping on the wheel. Traction keeps it from slipping on a surface.

Is it the air pressure that keeps us on the ground or is it gravity?

It is gravity.

What keeps pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

eustachian tube

Is a instrument that keeps continuous record of air pressure?
