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Pressure from the thousands of miles of rock above.

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Q: What keeps rock in the lower part of the mantle below their melting point?
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When magma forms within the mantle it is most often a result of?

Either the loss of confining pressure causing the melting point of the material to drop below the in-situ temperature or due to the presence of volatiles which enter the mantle where subduction occurs and also lower the melting point of the material.

Why isn't earths entire mantle liquid?

The mantle isn't 100% liquid because magma solidifies near the crust and becomes plastic in texture and not fluid but eventually cools down to form the lithosphere. Lower parts of the mantle are not liquid because the high pressure keeps rock from melting.

Most basaltic magmas are believed to form by partial melting of granite in the lower crust and upper mantle?

This statement would be considered incorrect. Basaltic magmas originate from the melting of mantle rock or oceanic crust.

What lies below Earths Lower Mantle?

From the outside into the Earth. It goes Crust, Upper Mantle, Mantle, Outer Core, and Inner Core

Earths lower mantle lies just below the?

Upper Mantle. This is also called the Asthenosphere

What layer of the earth is immediately below the crust?

It is the upper and lower mantle. It has the consistency of warm asphalt.

What is the lower layer of the mantle called?

The mesosphere

What is above the lower mantle?

The middle mantle is just above the lower mantle.

What is the lower part of the mantle callet?

The Lower Mantle

What is the lower mantle beneath?

The lower mantle is beneath the crust.

What part of the earths mantle that flows and moves the plates of the earth?

Mantle plumes are in the mantle, BELOW the Earth's crust. The circulation of heat from the lower mantle to the upper mantle can cause "hot spots" in the overlying crust, heating the magma in the areas.

How is pressure involved in melting mantle material at a mid-ocean ridge?

Pressure is involved because as the plates move apart, lower mantle material is hot, flexible, and solid. This rock is solid because of the great pressure of the layers above it. However. as the rock of the lower mantle rises, the pressure drops and the material melts.