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Q: Green plants that make their own food by photosynthesis are called?
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What is the name for the process by which plants make their own food?

Oxygen and food is produced through Photosynthesis.

Green plants make their own food in a process called?


Where are the best conditions for photosynthesis?

The process by which green plants prepare there own food is called photosynthesis.

Why are plants that do photosynthesis green?

Plants that use photosynthesis to get food are green because the chloroplasts in their cells are green

What process that plants and animals use sunlight to make food?

Green plants use a process called photosynthesis to make food from sunlight. Only green plants can make their own food. Other plants (like mushrooms) and animals do not make their own food, but get nutrition from green plants (or dead green plants). Animals do not make food from sunlight. If they could, they would not need to eat.

What is the food making in green plants?


Why can green plants make food?

plants can make food through photosynthesis

Do green plants use heat energy to make food?

Yes, in a process called "photosynthesis"

Why fungi are not green?

they aren't green because they don't have chloroplast. chloroplasts are green plant food makers. when plants make food with chloroplasts, its called photosynthesis.

When plants use sunlight to make food the energy of the sunlight is?

it is called photosynthesis and the plant uses the green pigment (which makes most plants' leaves green) is called chlorophyll.

What are green plants called?

Green plants are called autotrophs, because they make their own food through photosynthesis. "Autos" means self, and "trophe" means nourishing.

What type of organisms can go through photosynthesis?

Green plants go through photosynthesis. Green plants contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. Well, chlorophyll is actually stored in chloroplasts of plant Cells. Chlorophyll traps sunlight to make food for the Plant. This process is called photosynthesis.