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If he keeps on trying or going too far/fast then he just wants some

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Q: Guys how do you know if your boyfriend loves you or just wants some P?
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When should your boyfriend tell you he loves you?

If your boyfriend wants to and has those feelings he will do it when he wants to and is ready. Don't expect it just because your dating because that does not always mean they are in love with you.

If your boyfriend kissed you and huged you does it means he loves you?

Either that or he just wants to sleep with you. One of the two.

How do you find out how far your boyfriend wants to go with you?

Just Ask Him . If He's Your Boyfriend, You Guys Should Be Able To Tell Each Other Anything .

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** whether you realize it or not, alot of the stuff he does, your just over reacting about, you have got to give him space to breath, if he wants to hang out with the guys once or twice a week let him, guys are NOT like girls, their minds work differently, next time you feel this way, try and understand the situation. And he wants to be with your because he loves you**

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It means he wants to check out what else is out there and get some. and he will come back to you because he loves you and you are good to him. Maybe he just needs a vacation. Or maybe he thinks you guys are moving too fast and wants to take a break so that you guys dont ruin what you have...

Why does my boyfriend wants to move out for some space but wants to stay together and says he still loves me?

all he wants is some space. he still loves u and just tell him how you feel. I no u might be upset but that's only natural. just ask him why?? then dump him:)

What if your boyfriend says he loves you millions but he doesn't want to be in a serious relationship. What should you do?

if your boyfriend says that he loves you and doesn't want to be serious then he either just wants to get in your pants or he is just scared to be in a committed relationship so help him and either way you will be ok.

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to be your boyfriend but doesn't think you like him?

just tell him you do and maybe you guys will start dating! :)

What can be done when a girl has a boyfriend and others are after her?

there always are boys following a girl all the time. The way to solve this is to just follow her heart, choose the guy she loves and just tell the other guys she is dating someone else. If the guys following her around are really close she could discuss this with her boyfriend to avoid him thinking she is cheating. If he loves her he will understand.

What does it mean when your girlfriend is with you all the time time tells you she loves you and wants you yet she stays in touch with her ex-boyfriend?

I dont think it really means anything, they might just be friends, i think you just have to trust her about him and if you dont like it just explain. But i think this quote sums it up... "She might laugh with other guys, talk with other guys or hang with other guys, but none of them will mean as much to her as you"

How to tell if my girlfriend loves me or loves having a boyfriend?

This is always an incredibly difficult thing to figure out. You will know if she loves you because all she wants to do is be with you and spend time with you and never let go of you. You will know if she just loves having a boyfriend if she only wants to be with you when she's bored, only wants to be with you when you're around others to show you off, and if she just got out of a relationship right before you started dating. Keep a close look out for these signs.

Does my boyfriend love me. he says he loves me never wants to lose me but also says that he'll always be like a big brother to me confused?

It sounds like you're boyfriend could be interested in incest. You should take him to a psychiatrist. well, if he's like a big brother to you maybe he considers you as part of the family. That could mean he really really loves you. :D look from a guys point of view, i would say he loves you lots and the brother part just says he wants to protect you like a big brother