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Car insurance in general is not built for you when you are not At Fault in an accident. You should complete a police report and and contact an attorney to help sue the at-fault party. If you have just liability you are not paying your insurance company for help in this matter. Liability pays for the damage you cause when you are at-fault in an accident.

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Q: Handle the insurance after a hit and run and did not see driver but have licence plate number but only have liability insdurance?
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Related questions

How much liability insurance does a lawyer need?

It depends on the type of law you practice, and how careful you are, and how many matters you handle. Claim amounts are higher and claims more frequent in personal injury law. Claims are less frequent in patent and entertainment, but amounts are higher. Residential real estate generates frequent claims, but lower amounts.

What should you do if you run into an illegally parked car backing out of your driveway and you only have liability insurance and the hit vehicle already had damage to the same area?

Let your insurance company handle it. They do it all the time.

What type of attorney typically handle product liability claims?

The type of attorney that handles product liability claims is acatually a product liability attorney!

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I'm assuming you have homeowners insurance. You should contact your agent or the policy services dept. of your insuring company and discuss this with them, there may not be coverage under your liability portion of your homeowners policy to cover him, and you may want to add an endorsement. Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites:

What type of attorneys handle product liability questions?

Personal injury attorneys specialize in the area of product liability. They are the appropriate type of attorney to contact with any questions related to product liability.

What is reinsurance broker?

No such profession. There are only insurance brokers. These will handle renewal of insurance.

How can you use the insurance associate in the sentence?

You can use the term "insurance associate" in a sentence like this: "The insurance associate helped customers understand their policy coverage and file claims efficiently."

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What companies have cheap truck insurances?

The basic insurance for your truck is liability coverage that is required by most states. It covers the cost of accidents you might be in paying for injuries and damages to the other vehicle and sometimes to yours. States set their own limits on liability requirements. If you don't have a loan against the vehicle and you can carry a high deductible you can get some very good rates from any insurance company. You can use an insurance broker who will handle variety of different companies to find the best rate. These days insurance brokers can be found through your bank or credit union.

How do you handle a kangaroo?

If you are unaware of how to handle a kangaroo, you should not be handling one at all. It is illegal to own a kangaroo, so it is also illegal to handle a kangaroo without a valid native wildlife carer's licence.

If you change insurance companies after an accident does the prior insurance company still have to handle the claim?


Know Your State Auto Insurance Law When Shopping?

When you shop for car insurance, know about your state's auto insurance laws. Find out whether your state operates on a no-fault or tort system, which will determine how your claims progress and are processed and whether things like liability coverage will be used in a standard claim. You should also find out about your state's minimum requirements for car insurance. Knowing the law is important, because you can get a better handle on what you need to buy and why your insurance rate is priced where it is after reading about the factors that affect auto insurance in your state.