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yea it has got a problem with that

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Q: Has Mexico ever launched a satllite to space?
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What was the name of the first american dog in space?

No dog has ever been launched into space from the USA.

What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?

first one ever launched was Spunik by the Russians

The first artificial satellite ever launched into space was the Mercury?

No. The first artificial satellite launched was the Russian satellite, Sputnik 1.

What was the first ever rocket launched into space?

v-2 by Amman Riyaz Ahmed

What is the biggest rocket ever launched into space?

The Saturn V used in the Apollo missions.

When was the last space shuttle launched?

The last ever space shuttle to be launched was launched on 9/7/11. America have stopped making them because it is too expensive for them.

Did England ever launch a satellite?

Yes, England (UK) has launched satellites. Recently the have launched military space communications satellites named Skynet

In 1957 where would you have found something called Sputnik?

In space. It was a satellite launched by Russia, and the first ever satellite.

What is the most successful space probe launched in Neptune?

I assume you mean launched to Neptune, and not in Neptune. Only one spacecraft has ever visited Neptune, and that is Voyager 2 which passed by there in 1989.

What is the name of the first earth -orbiting satellite launched into space?

The first satellite launched into space was the Sputnik I, but before that have you ever considered the fact that a satellite is any object that orbits a heavenly body? The VERY first satellite was in fact the moon. But the first MAN-MADE satellite was Sputnik I launched by USSR.

When did the dog go to the moon?

The Soviet Union launched a number of dogs up into space, but no dog has ever landed on the moon.

Why was Skylab launched?

Skylab was the first space station the United States launched into orbit, and the second space station ever visited by a human crew. Skylab was also the only space station NASA or the United States military launched alone. The 100 ton space station was in Earth's orbit from 1973 to 1979, and it was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974. It included a laboratory for studying the effects of microgravity and the Apollo Telescope Mount solar observatory. It was launched as a docking station for space crafts and as an observatory for the goings on in space.