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Q: Has any English monarch ruled for longer then the current queen?
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How many of English monarch named Elizabeth?

Two: Elizabeth I and our current Queen, Elizabeth II.

Has any English monarch ruled longer than your current queen if so who and for how long?

Queen Victoria ruled for 64 years. The present queen Elizabeth ll has ruled for 60 years so far and is still going strong.

What is the difference between King's English and Queen's English?

They are the same. While a king reigns, it is the King's English. While a queen reigns, it is the Queen's English------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The monarch of England is sometimes a king and sometimes a queen (at the present time, March 2013, it is Queen Elizabeth II) but the English language does not change; it is the monarch's English. We just use different terms to reflect the identity of the reigning monarch.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The expression "the queen's English" refers to the reigning British monarch. Since English currently has a queen, and has for almost 60 years, the proper expression is "the queen's English."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suppose when Charles becomes king, the expression might change to "the king's English."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACTUALLY, the expression "The King's English" refers to a title of a book written by the Fowler brothers in 1906, which deals with the English language, its pronunciation, etc. A book's title does not change just because a monarch changes. Therefore, it is "The King's English", regardless of whether the current monarch is male or female.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who is the uk's current monarch?

Queen Elizabeth the II.

Who was on the throne of England before queen elizatbeth?

If you are asking about the current monarch - Queen Elizabeth II, she succeeded her father King George VI on his death in 1952. She has now been on the throne for longer than any other British monarch except for Queen Victoria.

Who is the current monarch of australia?

Queen Elizabeth II

How old was elizabeth the current monarch when she was crowned queen?


What is the ruler in the UK?

Queen Elizabeth II is the current monarch.

Who are the current king and queen of England 2013?

Queen Elizabeth II is the current monarch and her husband Prince Phillip is her consort, but not King.

Reign of monarchy of England?

The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II

Why is there no president of england?

England is a monarchy, not a republic, so it has a monarch not a president. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.

The last 6 English queens or kings?

The last six monarchs are: Queen Victoria Edward VII George V Edward VIII George VI Queen Elizabeth II - who is the current monarch.