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that was why early Christians were antisemitic.

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Q: Hatred of jews because they practice the jewish faith?
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No, Jill Biden was not raised Jewish. She was raised Catholic and continues to practice that faith.

What are the buildings were the Jewish people practice there faith?

The Jewish peoples place of worship is called a Synagogue.

How do Jewish people practice their faith today?

By learning the Torah and observing its mitzvoth (commands).

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Muslims still practice Islam because they have strong faith in their religion.

Who are the Jews and who are the Israelis?

Israelis are citizens of Israel and are not necessarily Jewish. Jews are people who practice the Jewish faith and are not necessarily Israeli. A similar dichotomy could be made between Irish and Catholic.

What religions are in Slovakia?

Most people there are Christians (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestants). Very few people practice the Jewish faith there I believe.

What country is the homeland for people of jewish faith?

The homeland of Jewish Faith is Israel.

Why do people practice their beliefs?

People practice their beliefs because they have faith in their God. They want to show their loyalty to their God and that is why people practice their beliefs.

Are both faith and religion focused on religion?

Yes and no. Faith is your belief or connection to God. Religion is what you practice or do because of what you believe.

What does the Jewish faith focus on for spiritual guidance?

The Jewish faith focuses on God for spiritual guidance and the Torah that He provided for the Jewish people.

Richard Boone religion was what?

Richard Boone's mother was Jewish, but he didn't practice any religious faith. He did offer the option of Christianity to his son, Peter.

Is the Jewish God true?

To people of the Jewish faith, certainly. This is a question of faith and naturally those who have faith in God as described by Jewish teachings will claim Him to be True. Those who do not have faith in this God or have faith in a different god or gods will claim Him to be False. Only you can decide which is true.