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Q: Have Bengal Tigers run at speeds between 50 and 60 mph?
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No. Tigers run somewhat faster, around 35 mph for short distances.

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The Ferrari 612 was a sports car manufactured between 2004 and 2010. It was able to reach speeds of 60 mph in just 4.3 seconds and can reach top speeds of 192 mph.

What is the speed of a Bengal tiger?

White tigers move like lightning but only when they really need to go to the toilet because they've ben holding a pee in for at least an hour due to being stuck in traffic on the way to the airport. Other than on this occasion, however, white tigers are fairly sluggish, rather like Emile Heskey.

What planet has winds of 2000 mph?

Neptune has the highest recorded wind speeds. Speeds of 1500 mph have been observe, but I'm not sure about 2000 mph.

How fast does a London midland trains go?

This depends on where in the system the train is. In central London, the speeds are lower, as the train doesn't have the time to get up to speed before it has to brake for the next station. Further out, the distances, and thus the speeds, are greater. The systemwide average speed is 20 mph. In central London, speeds stay within 30-40 mph, but on the outer parts of the Victoria line, speeds reach up to 50 mph and can on the Metropollitan line exceed 60 mph.

How fast can a Siberian Tiger run?

Siberian tigers can run at speeds of 50-60 mph. Although the Siberian tiger is this fast only 1 out of 5 Siberian tigers hunts will be successful. Added to the distance of the jump, about 5-6in, with sharp claws and powerful jaws, it can kill almost anything. Although very fast, tigers can run at only about 35 mph.

What do speeds get up in alpine skiing?

the speeds get up to 94 mph

How fast can a white tiger run?

Apart from a difference in pigmentation there's no serious physiological difference between white and orange tigers, so a white tiger would probably run just as fast as an orange one. I've seen anywhere from 35 mph to 50 mph, but all sources say that tigers--whatever breed of tiger it is--can only maintain these speeds over very short distances.

How fast an a tiger run?

Tigers are the heaviest of the big-cats, but are heavily muscled enough, to reach speeds capable of catching running deer in short bursts. Tigers have been documented reaching speeds up to 32 mph in a sprint. Normally, tigers do not need to run as fast as their smaller cousins (lionesses 36mph, cheetahs 68mph) though. Their camouflage, works with their wooded environment and provides them with a close-quarter arena, where stealth enables them to get quite close to their intended prey before revealing itself. Even a human could catch up to a deer if they approach it within a close enough range.A lion is a large tawny colored cat that lives in northwestern India and Africa.