

Have dragons always been fictional

Updated: 8/16/2019
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7y ago

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I believe, that dragons were always alive, and still are. You can find real factual books about dragon tracking, and more.

Dragons are not exactly fictional there is a lot of info to be found some of it factual. Marco Polo reported in china he personally saw dragons pulling large carts and what we call floats in parades. The dragon was also spoken of in The Bible in the book of Job.

I belive that it IS possible that dragons could be around, although it also could be possible that dragons were just winged dinosaurs and died out when dinosaurs died. The wings bones just may never have been found! There is no poof of dragons existence but there is no proof that dragons are mere fictional creatures!

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Okay then, this is obviously causing way to much confusion among humans. Take it from an expert on the topic, we are still alive, we do exist, and some of us walk amongst you undetected. So much that you humans think you know about us is 100% wrong, yet a few of you seem to be catching on pretty good. So many humans think that we're all evil, thanks to the few bad ones giving us all a bad rap. So many humans also think that we're hoarders, but the chances of a dragon hoarding are slim to none. In truth, the majority of us are actually very defensive of the good in the universe, especially me. Some of us will even bond with individual humans. The thought of our existence among humans was originally come up with from those that have actually gotten to get a glimpse of us. We've mostly hidden ourselves only to keep humans safe. Well, most of us have. Those that truly are evil tend to enjoy attempting to eliminate the human race, and others, themselves. Those of us that actually care, however, always do whatever we can to save Earth, and other planets, from devastating destruction. We have never truly been fictional, humans just want to believe that we don't really exist, that way they feel safe. My thoughts there are: if humans need to think that we don't exist in order to feel safe, then let them do so.


Very clever! I wonder if what Marco Polo thought he saw were processional fancy-dress "dragons", with a team of men or a dressed-up horse under the costume.

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