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Some bullies undoubtedly have been bullied themselves but research suggests that the main reasons behind bullying are a sense of superiority, a lack of empathy and a strong need for power. Bullies feel entitled to hurt others because they believe other people are not as important as they are, or even that they are 'objects' to be used as the bully sees fit. In most cases it is pointless appealing to a bully's sense of fairness or justice because they don't have any.

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Q: Have most bullies been bullyed before?
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How many people who have been bullied turn into bullies themselves?

most of them

Do most bullies have problem at home?

A lot of bullies have difficulties with their families and find it hard to talk about it. They will often take it out on anyone that makes them upset just to make themselves feel better. Also, bullies are usually people that have been bullied before and they have decided that they don't want to put up with it any longer. So they decide to be a bully and bully those that bullied them.

What percent of bullies have no peers or friends?

zero why would you bully someone when you want friends, besides most bullies do it for the attention.

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It is most unlikely that folk are bullies because of their Religion. Bullying is a character defect, not an aspirational item of faith.

When do bullies hurt you?

Bullies will hurt you if you have done something to them for you to deserve it, sometimes. But in most cases, the bully is just being rude and needs some help.

Do bullies ever stop?

Most bullies bully because they want to see a reaction. Keep a straight face and try not to react, then the bully will just get bored and most likely stop. (If not, then sorry. That's just what I've done.)

How can you deal with a cyberbully?

If possible, delete and block them. The same rule applies to real life bullies, that to ignore them is a good policy as most bullies like to see a reaction, and when they don't get one, they stop.

What is the average age of bullies?

Bullying can happen at all ages but it most commonly happens in highschool

Why can child bullies grow into adult bullies?

Child bullies grow into adult bullies because nobody stopped them when they were younger and told them it was wrong. They often start as children who may have been exposed to a violent childhood (e.g., being abused as a kid or watching their parents abuse each other). They then think this is the norm and right so they grow up thinking they should beat up their girlfriends/boyfriends. Because nobody stands up to them, they go though life thinking their behavior is normal. They learn that intimidation works and that it gives them what they want.

Do bullies want to bully?

Im a fellow guy thats been bullied before, bullies usually do crap like that for a couple of reasons, one is theyv been bullied before and need to get it out on someone else, two is because they dont know how to interact with people and thats just the only way they can think to interact by, and lastly, because they want attention, thats a biggin, they feel like its the only way to get noticed so they pick on the little guys. And if your getting bullied, get help or talk back, if u keep hiding and getting pushed around theyl keep trying to make you break over and over , if u stand up for your self and have some courage most bullies will stop cause its not " fun" anymore. If they dont stop then, go to somebody, a friend or someone u can trust to help you. I hope this helped,

What are the disadvantages of outdoor pursuits?

One disadvantage is that there may be bullies in the school. The bullies may behave in front of teachers, but if the teacher's back is turned, the bully will most likely hurt their target victims.

Are schizophrenics most likely to be bullies?

No, they tend to be more involved with their disordered internal thought life than the lives of others. If anything they would probably be more likely to be bullied than to be bullies than "normal" people are.