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his not worth it .................his wasting your time js try ur level best to move on!

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Q: He shouts he calls you names he blames you he does nothing for you he ignores your needs?
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I damned hated that question. I know exactly how it feels when a man ignores you at the paRty. as a matter of a fact I am a victim. My suggestion for you is Don't take actions immediately. Give yourself time.What I did when this happened to me is walk away although it's not something easy to do. Try your best to not call him. If he calls, Ignores his phone calls.

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you're out of luck... sorry.

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He avoids you, he ignores your calls, he seems uninterested in things you say/do, he hangs around other people, all things like this are signs he doesn't like you.

What if your ex-girlfriend ignores you at school but calls you at night?

You should ignore her. She probably have problems seeing you in front of her friends. But if still truly loves you, she shouldn't care about what other people care.

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Because they have absolutely nothing positive to do.