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Not sure what you mean here but here goes:-

I think you are after the explanation of conduction. This describes the fluid dynamics of materials in relation to temperature. When an object (the air around us or water in a boiling pan) is heated is becomes less dense and will move to the surface where the denser object will move to the bottom. This is not the case in a vacumn where heat can only travel by radiation.

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Q: Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from on region to anoth er?
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How do deep currents affect climate?

The air of a region where the temperature is higher is warmer than the air of a region where the temperature is lower. As a result, the air will flow from the warmer region to the cooler region. This generates air currents.

What energy source drives convection?

Convection currents are driven by an uneven temperature. It is the rise and fall movement of matter from a hot region to a cool region.

What is the transfer of heat by movement of heated liquids or gases?

There are three basic heat transfer mechanisms: Conduction, Convection andRadiation. Heat transfer in opaque solids is just by Conduction. In gases andliquids all three mechanism can contribute to heat transfer.The Convection Mechanism of Heat Transfer is the transportation of heat bythe bulk motion of the fluid. If this motion is produced by buoyancy effects thatarise from the fluid having different temperatures (and so different densities) at different points, it is called Natural Convection. If the motion of the fluid is produced by a pressure gradient (like a fluid been forced to flow through a heated pipe),the heat convection mechanism is called Forced Convection Heat Transfer.

What is wet vapor?

Wet Vapour is the region which contains a mixture of liquid and vapour. The liquid is saturated liquid and the vapour is saturated vapour. The temperature stays uniform until the entire phase change is complete.

Land with common characteristics?

A region is an area that has something special that is common to the area.

Related questions

A sentences with convection?

Convection- heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.

The transfer of heat by fluid?

The transfer of heat by fluid is called convection. In convection, the fluid (liquid or gas) carries heat from a hotter region to a cooler region through the movement of its particles. This process helps distribute heat in a fluid and plays a crucial role in natural phenomena like ocean currents and air circulation.

What is the definition for a convection?

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (liquid or gas). As the fluid is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, while cooler, denser fluid sinks to take its place. This creates a continuous circulation of the fluid, transferring heat in the process.

What is the region where both winds and ocean currents flow unimpeded around the world is?

What is the region where both winds and ocean currents flow unimpeded around the world SOUTHERN

What distributes heat from one region to another?

Heat is distributed from one region to another through a process called convection. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, such as air or water, which carry thermal energy from a warmer region to a cooler region.

Why does ocean currents and global wind patterns which are caused by convection currents most strongly affect a region's?

Ocean currents and global wind patterns strongly affect a region's climate because they help distribute heat energy around the Earth. Warm ocean currents can increase temperatures in coastal areas, while cold ocean currents can decrease temperatures. Similarly, wind patterns can bring moisture or dry air to a region, affecting its precipitation patterns.

Where does heat transfer?

From higher temperature region to lower temperature region.

What are the names of the region in earth's interior where convection currents occur?

The middle of the mantle.

What is the liquid region above Earth's inner core?

The liquid region above the Earth's inner core is the outer core.

What are currents that can keep coastal regions cooler than the inland climates year around called?

The currents that keep coastal regions cooler than inland climates year-round are called maritime currents. These currents bring cool oceanic air to coastal areas, moderating temperatures and creating milder climates compared to the more extreme temperatures found inland.

What is the direct cause of surface currents?

Surface currents are primarily driven by the wind, which transfers its energy to the ocean surface and initiates the movement of water. The Earth's rotation also influences the direction of surface currents through the Coriolis effect.

How convection works?

Convection is the flow of heat (or mass) through a bulk, macroscopic movement of the atoms and/or molecules of a fluid from a hot region to a cool region, as opposed to the microscopic transfer of heat between atoms and/or molecules involved with conduction. Convection occurs in fluids. Suppose we consider heating up a local region of air. As this air heats, the molecules spread out, causing this region to become less dense than the surrounding, unheated air. The heated, less dense air will rise and will be replaced by cooler, more dense air due to buoyant forces. This movement of hot air into a cooler region is then said to transfer heat by convection.Heating a pot of water on a stove is a good example of the transfer of heat by convection in a liquid. When the stove is first turned on heat is transferred first by conduction between the element through the bottom of the pot to the water. However, eventually the water molecules adjacent to the botttom get hotter than the surrounding water molecules. They are less dense, and rise from the bottom to be replaced by cooler, more dense molecules. This is the transfer of heat from the hot water at the bottom to the cooler water at the top by convection. Convection currents will be set up and heat will be transferred throughout the water in the pot.In summary, convection currents are responsible for the movement of heat (and mass) within a fluid system. Heat wants to go from where it is to where it isn't. When atoms and or molecules of a fluid (a gas or liquid, for example) are hotter then their companion particles, they are less dense and rise in the fluid. Cooler, more dense groups of atoms or molecules take their place. Convection currents are thus set up, and heat travels "around" the system via those currents.Read more: How_do_convection_currents_work