

Hibernation body temp of hedgehog

Updated: 8/17/2019
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About 46 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: Hibernation body temp of hedgehog
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When does a hedgehog know when to stop hibernating?

Hedgehog's should NEVER go into hibernation. They are to small and wont be able to live off body if they go into hibernation they will most likely die :( so you must put a heater in over/under the cage.

How does the hedgehog keep warm in winter?

Hedgehogs go into hibernation, like bears in the winter. If you have a pet hedgehog, it should NOT go into hibernation, for it can lead to health problems. If your hedgehog pet is going into hibernation, stop it and warm him/her ASAP. A sign him/her might be going into hibernation is a cold belly.

What is the greatest threat to survival for a hedgehog?

hibernation. alot of them dont get enough to eat or wake up.

How heavy does a baby hedgehog have to be to survive winter?

In the UK, it is generally accepted that a hedgehog should be at least 600 grams (ideally 800 grams) before entering hibernation if it is to survive the winter.

Is migration or hibernation the adaptation in which the body processes of an organism slow down winter?


Besides bears which animals go into hibernation?

There are many animals besides bears that go into hibernation every year. Some species of bat hibernate as do hedgehog, squirrel, dormice and even some birds.

How many heart beats does a hedgehog do per minutes?

The heart rate of a hedgehog (or any animal) is dependent on a number of environmental factors. But on average, studies have shown that a hedgehog's resting heart rate is in the range of 190 to 280 beats per minute and about 147 beats per minute when sleeping.190 to 280 times per minuite!This depends on if the hedgehog is in hibernation mode or not. A hedgehog with normal activity who is not in hibernation mode has approximately 190 beats per minute. On the other hand, a hedgehog who has gone into hibernation mode will sometimes be mistaken for a hedgehog who has passed. His body temperature will drop 20% or more and his heart rate will be as low as 20 beats per minute. He will also be lethargic and may be extremely hard to wake up.Hedgehogs normal heart beat is around 190 per minute but when they hibernate, their heart beat falls dramatically to 20 beats per minute.

What happens to an animals body when it goes into hibernation?

It sleeps.

Can a Russian tortoise survive without a heater?

yes it does during hibernation and if your talking about at your house it depends on what temp the air is at your house

When does an animal's body temperature drop?

It drops during hibernation

When does animals body temperature drops?

It drops during hibernation

Is hibernation a deeper sleep than torpor?

Hibernation is in fact a deeper sleep then that of torpor. While they both involve reduction in body temperature and heart rate, hibernation involves a metabolic depression.