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4.08°C (Apex)

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Jimmy Dean

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3y ago
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Q: How much would the boiling point of water increase if 4 mol of NaCl were added to 1 kg of water(Kb =0.51°C/(mol/kg) for water and i=2 for NaCl)?
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Does Epsom salt increase the temperature of boiling water?

No, Epsom salt does not increase the temperature of boiling water. However, it can help to increase buoyancy and reduce the cooking time of certain vegetables when added to boiling water.

How much would the boiling point of water increase if 4 mole of sugar were added to 1 kg of water?

The increase of the boiling point is only 2 0C.

How much would the boiling of water increase if 4 mol of NaCl were added to 1 kg of water?

4.08 C

Does sugar affect the boiling point of water?

Adding sugar to water will raise its boiling point slightly, but the effect is minimal. The increase in boiling point is not significant unless a large amount of sugar is added.

How much would the boiling point of water increase if 4 mol of sugar were added to 1 kg of water?

The boiling point elevation of a solution depends on the molality of the solute. Since we have 4 mol of sugar in 1 kg of water, we first need to calculate the molality by dividing the moles of solute by the mass of the solvent in kg. Then, we can use the boiling point elevation constant for water (0.512 °C/kg/mol) to calculate the increase in boiling point.

How much would the boiling point of water increase if 4 mol of NaCl were added to 1 kg of water?

4.08 degrees celcius

How much will the boiling point of water increase if 4mol of sugar were added to 1kg of water?

2.04 C

What effect does adding a solute have on a boiling point of a solution?

Adding a solute to a solution, or some liquid, causes the boiling point to increase. Think about water, sometimes people throw salt in their water when they're boiling noodles. This causes the boiling point to increase so the water is actually at a higher temperature (although most of the time the amount of salt added isn't nearly enough to cause any measurable change).

What effect does adding solute have on the boiling point of the solution?

Adding a solute to a solution, or some liquid, causes the boiling point to increase. Think about water, sometimes people throw salt in their water when they're boiling noodles. This causes the boiling point to increase so the water is actually at a higher temperature (although most of the time the amount of salt added isn't nearly enough to cause any measurable change).

What may happen to the boiling point of a substance if there are impurities present. Explain in terms of the nature of impurities.?

it might decrease or increase depends on the impurities added.:D

What lowers the freezing point and raises the boiling point?

Yes, it is possible if the solution contain solutes.

Wha happen to boiling point when gelatin is added to water?

Adding gelatin to water increases the boiling point of water because the gelatin particles disrupt the normal bonding between water molecules, requiring more heat energy to break these bonds and reach the boiling point. The gelatin acts as a solute, which raises the boiling point of the solution compared to pure water.