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Q: How. I have giant dips between my hipsbuttlegs and they are very noticable. My hips are extremely high and my butt is very low. I have big ribs too so my waist is very rectangular making me look fat?
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What is the difference between a cylinder and a rectangular prism?

A cylinder has a circular cross section, a rectangular prism has a rectangular cross section.

What are the rectangular number between 20 and 30?

20 and 30 are rectangular numbers (4 * 5 and 5 * 6). There are none in between them.

What is the relationship between composite numbers and rectangular numbers?

Rectangular numbers are a subset of composite numbers. The squares of prime numbers will be composite but not rectangular.

How would the electric force change if you tripled the distance between two charged objects?

No noticable change.

What are the differences between a rectangular prism and a cube?

A cube is a rectangular prism where all sides are of equal length.

What do you know if a girls ready to go out with you?

Read between the lines. Sometimes even the most obvios signs are not noticable!

What is the difference between a rectangular prism and a rectangle?

Rectangular prism is 3rd dimensional, while a rec. is 2 dimensional.

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What are the main differences between a rectangular prism and rectangular pyramid?

Rectangular Prism - A 3-D shape with 2 rectangular bases, with a total of 6 faces. Rectangular Pyramid - A 3-D shape with only 1 base that's a rectangle, with a total of 5 faces.

What is the difference between a rectangular pyramid and a rectangular prism?

A Rectangular pyramid has a base of 4 points, and they lead up to the top point, like a triangle. A rectangular prism has a base of 4, the sides have 4 and the top as well, like a box.

What is a rectangular arrangement of numbers written between brackets?
