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Leukemia, Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, Nervous system tumors and their response relation were observed for all solid nodules, adenoma, and nodules without histological diagnosis, autoimmune hypothyroidism, stomach tumors and breast diseases. The population has a long follow-up (50 years) and includes both sexes and all ages of exposure, allowing a direct compilation of risks by these factors. the population has a long follow-up (50 years) and includes both sexes and all ages of exposure, allowing a direct compilation of risks by these factors. Because of the use of Japanese family registration system, mortality data are virtually complete for survivors who remained in Japan.

The result in the coral reefs in the Bimini Island who were demolished by nuclear blast came alive again after 50 years.

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Q: How Did dropping the atom bomb change people lives?
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What were the effects of dropping the atom bomb?

The result was it killed 1,000s of people.

What was the purpos of the atom bomb?

To make people's lives harder. ;)

Why was the dropping of the atom good?

Because it ended WWII.

What was one reason given dropping the atomic bombs on japan?

if the Americans didn't drop the atom bomb it would have needed 1000 American lives so they dropped the atom bomb (fat man and little boy)

What was the date the first dropping of the atom bomb?

August 6 1945............Hiroshima

How does a atom bomb kill people?

Due to Big Explosion and has a Radiation which can kill many lives...

How did the dropping of the atom bombs on japan change the world?

japan was warned but the Japanese refused to surrender.therfore on August 6, 1945 an American plane dropped the atomic bomb on hiroshima japan.

What did the US do for victims after dropping the atom bomb?

See atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What important event happened in Hiroshima?

Dropping of the atom bomb near the end of WWII

How did the war in Asia end?

Dropping the atom bombs on Nagaski & Hirowskima

How did the atom bomb effect the people of japan?

The atom bomb changed their lives dramatically. It wiped out Hiroshima and Nagasaki completely. It left an entire generation of Japanese people susceptible to the second-hand affects of radiation.

Which president was responsible for dropping the bomb on Hiroshima?

The President responsible for the dropping of the atom bomb on Nagasaki, and Hiroshima is: Harry Truman. The reason of this is because the Germans surrendered in 1945 the Japanese could hold the US Army of fighting in the pacific, So Harry Truman decided to end the war quickly using the very powerful atom bomb dropping them on two of japan's cities. Japan soon surrendered after the atom bombs and the war ended.