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they live about 3 or 4 years (5 max with really good care)

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Q: How Long Do Fancy Russian Dwarf Hamsters Last?
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What type of hamster lives the longest?

I'm not sure but i believe dwarf hamsters but most dwarf hamsters are mean i prefer teddy bear hamsters (but they only last about 2 years) there really nice thought

How many teeth do Robo Dwarf Hamsters have?

At least 4.( I have an albino female dwarf named Val Cherry Hamsterz ( I gave all my hammies the same last name)).

What if your dwarf hamster was just 6 months old He died last night He was fine the day before but when you found him he was breathing heavily and limp What could have happened to him?

Many hamsters suffer from seizures. Was it a dwarf hamster? That happens a lot to dwarf hamsters because their respiratory system isn't the greatest, because of their super tiny-ness :) hope this helps

If two female dwarf hamsters lived peacefully together for 1mo and now are fighting are they in heat and how long does it last and do they need to be permanently separated?

no,after a sertan amont of time hamsters must live in separate cages,unless they are mating

What is the second to last dwarf planet?

the scenod to last dwarf planet is: ceres is the second to last DWARF PLANET i think.

How long is hamsters are supposed to live?

most live about 2-3 years, but dwarf hamsters only live about a yearwhat! i have a dwarf it cant live up to about one year my hamster still looks healthy and doesnt look like it is about to dieThree years on average. If the hamster is healthy and under good care it can live up to five.

How do you know if a dwarf hamster is pregnant?

Talking from experience: they get easily irritable, they fight with other hamsters, they eat A LOT. You won't actually get to see the baby bump until the last week or so.

How long is a fancy hamster pregnant?

Fancy Hamsters are usually pregnant for about 2 or 3 weeks (about 14-21 days) Though you will probably not be able to tell if the hamster is pregnant until about the last 4 days of its pregnancy. I hope that this helps and good luck with your little one! :)

What kind of hamsters is the best?

that is really a matter of opinion. each individual hamster is different of course. that's why it's important to see how a hamster reacts to humans (if at a pet store ask an employee if they can get it out so you can see it) before you buy it. Black Hamsters are expensive (at pet stores I think they go for about $20-30) but they are breed to be very social hamsters and I think they live longer too (at least the one my friend has is 3 and only just starting to "fade"). I would not recommend getting a dwarf hamster though unless you are just getting for looks (not necessarily the best reason to get a hamster lol). they are smaller, not very social (again it CAN depend on the particular one i had one that was quite friendly), not recommended for first time buyers, and since they are smaller are not as fun (at least in my opinion) to hold or play with. If i get another hamster I would definitely get a teddy bear or golden (but again my opinion :P). wish you the best! It depends who you are and what your lifestyle is. And, actually you can hold dwarf hamsters.

What is the last dwarf planet?


What three word phrase includes the word fancy as the last word?

Strike your fancy

Do female teddy bear hamsters fight when ther are in heat?

I know dwarf hamsters do fight when they are in heat.My kids got hamsters for Christmas last year my sons would try to bite him every time he would put his hand in the cage, She wound up being pregnant. After she had babies we kept them in the same cage after so long they to started to fight so we thought !being She ended up pregnant AGAIN!!!!