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Q: How Much Does 1 beer Raise Blood Alcohol Level?
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Can keppra affect your Blood Alcohol level?

No. Blood alcohol level is a measure of how much alcohol is in solution in the blood. It is possible to affect the rate of absorption, but not the level that is reached.

How much alcohol is in your blood when level is 313?


What is meant by blood alcohol level?

THE blood alcohol limit is the degree of levelling where a certain limit is cosidered as to the blood alcohol content. The limiting varies on every country. If you are from the United States, the blood alcohol limit is 0.08% = ]

Can an Iron Deficient anemia make you blow a higher Blood alcohol level?

No your blood alcohol content (bac) is determined by home much alcohol is in you system. How ever anemia can cause you to feel more intoxicated.

How do you convert alcohol level to blood alcohol concentration?

Pretty much the same thing aren't they? The only difference is semantics. Potato, tomato.

How much alcohol does it take to cause death?

It varies with individuals. Generally, a blood alcohol level of 0.6% or greater is considered to be potentially fatal.

Will rubbing hand sanitizer all the way up your arm several times raise your alcohol blood level?

No - the alcohol in hand sanitizer is very weak - just enough to make the fluid evaporate quickly after use. The alcohol would evaporate much quicker than your body could ever absorb it into your skin.

What is BAC levels?

Blood Alcohol Content. How much alcohol is in your blood.

How much alcohol is in the blood with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.25?

2.5 grams of alcohol per litre of blood

Drinking to much raises what levels in the blood?

Your triglyceride level can become elevated through excessive alcohol usage.

What is blood alcohol concentration?

The blood alcohol concentration is a measurement of how much alcohol is mixed in with your blood. This formula is used to determine if you have consumed too much to be driving.

How much blood alcohol level in 1 pint of beer?

It depends on your body weight and a variety of other factors. General rule is that a beer has as much alcohol as a shot or a glass of wine and it takes your body about an hour to metabolize that much alcohol.