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Q: How Russia's fear of American atomic bomb cause cold war?
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What was the cause of the atomic bomb in japan?

It was dropped because it was a quick end to the war and saved American lives

Why russia fear the Americans atomic bomb?

you crazy , everyone fears an american atomic bomb .

Why did they have the atomic bomb?

cause we are America

How many American lives were saved by using the atomic bomb?

four million people would have did if we did not use the atomic bomb

What impact did the atomic bomb cause?

a nuclear one.

Did the atomic bomb really cause leukemia?


What was the American program that built the atomic bomb?

The "Manhatton Project."

Could the atomic bomb cause skin cancer with soldiers exposed to it?

The radiation in the atomic bomb can cause all types of cancers. Skin cancer proboly being the most prevalent.

How many casualties when US dropped atomic bomb during World War 2?

There were 11 American prisoners of war killed by the atomic bomb.

Why did we drop the 2nd bomb on japan?

The dropping of the two bombs on Japan and the killing of several hundred thousand innocent civilians was an American advertising effort to frighten the Russians who were seen to be a future threat. Japan at the time was ready to surrender. The messages to Russias were:We have atomic bombsWe have lots of atomic bombs. Not Just one.We don't care who we kill in using them! Watch out! Don't cross us!

How did the atomic bomb save Japanese lives?

It prevented an American invasion.

The American effort to develops the atomic bomb was called?

The Manhattan Project